Is This All You Want?

If you could come back to the world after death and start over, not knowing what you know now, not knowing who and where you will be born, would you do it? If I could snap my fingers right now and end your life, erase everything, you will return to the blank slate of a child in an unknown place and family, would you do it? Even if you’re not happy with the way things are now is it still worth starting over? Would you really take a gamble at a new start, and just hope you don’t land in a terrible place? Isn’t that what everyone wants? A fresh start, a chance to do it all over again, experiencing the pains and pleasures of life in an all new generation. Does that sound like something you want to do? If you wanted to change the world, well, here is your chance to do it, the problem is you will have figure that out each time after erasing everything you know from the previous one.

Press the reset and toss everything away, and you’ll have to go through the same trials and tribulations of life all over again. Making the same mistakes as an immature youth, and face the hash realities of life as an adult in an uncertain future, without insurances, would that make you happy? Even if I let you take your mind with you to the heavens, and start all over with the same mind would you still do it? Is that what you want? Do you really love your mind that much to be stuck with it forever? Is your mind a good thing to take with you? Having an uncontrollable mind that’s on full speed forever, is that a good thing to have? Do you really want something like that haunting you forever? It would bring all your problems with you, fears, desires, anxiety, disharmony, and is that really what you want? Will you be happy and satisfied with the mind you have now, for Eternity? What do you have with you anyways that’s good enough for Eternity? Do you like any of my proposals? What’s wrong? Isn’t that what you want? I need your answer now, what option do you want? Do you like any of them?

I was playing God in this type of kidding manner to my father and his girlfriend, for they were reminiscing and wishing they were youthful and free as before. They’re both 86, and surprised when I said; “Well, no, I don’t believe you, you’re just saying that,” and they both asserted “No, we aren’t”. I think most people if they thought deeply about it wouldn’t say such a thing. So, I said, “OK, pretend I’m God, and I’ll give you a choice to do it all over again, with a few conditions, which are set in stone, and I’ll grant you your wish. A short debate ensued, they didn’t hesitate to explore every avenue, I had to explain my reasons and they had to be sound before they moved on, they even tried to negotiate a new deal, but to no avail. After answering all their questions a long pause took over. So, what’ll it be? What’s your answer? His girlfriend put her hands together and bowed her head. I looked to my father and he said in an absolutely sure voice “No! Once is enough”. She raised her head with a smile and said “No way, it’s too chancy, once is enough”. How true that is, for once is enough, there is no need to repeat, and there is no one around to force you to repeat, separation through appearances are in the mind only. There is no need for a second chance, you understand fully the properties of manifestation, and you’ve been inducted into the universe of pain and uncertainty, time and decay. Why do that again?

You exist! That’s your ultimate answer, the finale conclusion is “You Exist!” that wasn’t there before, because it is only understood through living when your faced with the opposite, the feeling of existence only comes from the threat of nonexistence. You now acquired an Awareness of your own existence in a pool of Awareness. All the information you need about the universe is already ingrained, you just have to stop identifying with a limited resource. Reincarnation is recycling, and recycling is only done in an environment with limited resources, when your dealing with Eternity and infinity there is no need for it, there is a limitless and redundant source.

Kundalini Energy

The energy or life force that flows through the body has a strong current that runs up the Spinal Column, which is called the kundalini energy. Originating from the base of the Spinal Column the energy travels up to certain intersections called chakras where it can be directed to and from with practice. Certain Yoga’s such as Kriya and Hatha which practice extensive techniques to activate the kundalini in order to raise it to the top Chakra, or the crown of the head, but it takes a lot of time. A qualified SKY master or realized teacher can raise the energy by touch and save the aspirant many years of hard work, but in order to keep it going the student has to establish a routine.

The energy starts off as a slight pressure or vibration in selected areas of the head and body, and grows substantially with time put in, it can actually become too strong if it isn’t kept in check. Any colors, sounds or visuals may occur from misdirection, but should be avoided, as well as excess energy in the brain. You’re looking for the actual feel of moving energy, avoiding too much pressure oriented energy which is like a still mass. Subtle side effects from the energy creates visuals and sounds. The feeling of energy is electrical by nature causing it to act like a loose wire or like static electricity, which can be felt as a tingling sensation. When it gets stronger it can fill up the top of the head with a moving and vibrating stream of energy that feels pleasurable, and at times feels like ants are crawling around on the top of your head. When the energy is activated continually it will have a range of physical effects to the practitioner that helps them in their spiritual maturity. These sensations are all related to a moving electrical current, when it becomes isolated it will vibrate and feel like a drilling is taking place. Small areas in and all around the brain will feel like little sink holes are popping open, and you have a sense that some sort of rearrangement is taking place. During rare occasions the energy spreads out deep within the brain, you can actually feel the subtle brain cells opening up, which is similar to a thousand of tiny buds or seeds all popping open within a second or two, it’s an amazing feeling.

These are the positive effects from the kundalini, and the negative effects are pressure headaches, facial twitches, excess heat, hyper energy, palpitations and even some serious issues can arise. Keeping it regulated and on track is a must by redirecting it to the starting point, at the base of the spinal column (the mooladhara chakra), this will bring relief, or by directing it to other chakras. This is done by focusing your attention there, which sends the current back down, keeping it in balance. The electrical vibrations and pin points of energy can be felt anywhere in the body, but controlling it is important, because you want it to work for you in a positive way. A controlled and balanced current that applies energy to all the chakras can create a balanced more energetic life. Once the energy is felt on the crown chakra, it means all your blockages or intersections are cleared, but staying with the current in one area to long leads to problems, that’s why the art of redirection is employed. Directing and observing the current is the meditation, and it strengthens your concentration, focus, the thoughtless witness and overall health.

When the brain is tingling and crawling with energy on a daily bases you notice that you perceiving the brain/mind from a distance, which slowly brings you to the conclusion that you are before the mind witnessing it. The perceiver and the perceived goes on within, and a disassociation to the mind/body develops, you are not what you perceive in life, you are the perceiver. Watching the kundalini energy now gives you a physical sensation to perceive and reference back from, especially when it’s tingling the lowest area of the brain. If you can perceive it, there must be a distance between the perceiver and the perceived. When you perceive thoughts, there is a perceiver who directs and perceives them, there must be a separate witness to perceive the show of thoughts and images, the show couldn’t take place without the witness. If the witness looses interest in the show, the show changes accordingly, looking to recapture interest elsewhere. That means the directing witness is before the mind, so the witness is consciousness that is attached to the Soul and Awareness. This is when we get control over the mind when the witness is directing. Directing the witness is done in deep meditation, a practice in meditation by continually redirecting to a thoughtless state or onto the spiritual field of contemplation reestablishes mind control. The Soul in conjunction with the witness gets permanent separation after Self-Realization allowing you to control the direction of the mind which is a huge perk.

During the vulnerable developmental stage the mind will be looking for a new home to hang its hat on, and its important not to give it any hooks. Always remain open for serious introspection in order to prevent the mind and ego from beating you down. You have to continually work at being an independent self sufficient spiritual warrior.