The Witness State

The Witness is the thoughtless observer in us, a singular state of being conscious, witnessing life without thinking as in active meditation. Actions and reactions can be there but not with forethought otherwise you’re not in a Witness State. Any thoughts rising during an active and inactive meditation takes you away from living in the moment, meditating and the Witness State which makes it hard to master.

The Soul’s first contact with the universe is through consciousness, the birth place of Being. Stay in that realm while meditating you will find enlightenment, when the seer can’t see, can’t dream or think it pushes the door open to a deeper realm, your view reverses course, The Witness is now seeing its Source, it actually looks back on its Self with a piece of Its Self, a new entity from being humanized, realizing It is That!

The Witness wasn’t a watcher until the birth of consciousness, and then it turns into the seer and the doer.

Cultivating the pure Witness back through meditation slowly releases the binds that restrict it, an important step for the Spiritual Seeker.

Reclaiming that universal witness that exists in all living creatures, can be done during active times and inactive times. These different states of witnessing are both relatively hard to master, however well worth the effort, the inactive Witness is the most important part of spirituality. Meditation techniques are geared towards different states of witnessing, and the experiences that follow are milestones on the spiritual path. Any activity in life can be done by remaining in the moment as the Witness, this is a good step in garnering control over the mind by keep falling back into the Witness, keep redirecting mind away from thoughts is like doing reps. There are different types of mind decoys available for meditating, which help in keeping the mind targeted on witnessing something repetitious as you slip into deeper states. Many spiritual experiences happen within these different layers, but experiences in the “Samadhi State” are on a deeper level yet, which can change your outlook or your understanding on life and God. In all cases, besides the finale awakening, the experiences are an indication of transitional periods in spiritually, which can be good or even scary for loosing all control, surrendering to the unknown.

The spiritual process through meditation delivers emotional stability and balance into your life, it can also help you control the direction of your mind. The constant redirection towards spiritual techniques or being the Witness, strengthens your control over the mind, allowing you to find the advance stages of thoughtless meditating. The pure Witness of this basic formless life force (consciousness) within, is the last meditating stage before one slips into the “Samadhi State”, which is meld of the observer and observed. It can be a long process, depending on your determination, but keeping the mind in silent repose is the key cornerstone to Enlightenment or Self-realization. For then, there is no way to go but further in, now that the world and mind is rendered useless, discarded as the primary attention getter you cast your moorings aside for a new focus on the Eternal God.

3 thoughts on “The Witness State”

  1. Meditation seems to have some great mental health benefits, although your calculations of “witness”, “doer”, etc are a little confusing, and maybe a little much of an abstraction of the simple idea of concentration. I guess, once you step into the “spiritual” realm, the definition of meditation changes

  2. Your concentration, focus or attention is the key that unlocks the Source. And, directed at the world in full mind mode keeps you emotionally entangled and identifying with what you perceive. Disconnecting your focus from the world and mind is what meditating does, which in essence is a retraction or the refocusing of concentration on something else that’s within. Your attention embroiled in worldly endeavors with the ego in full lockdown is the “Doer,” your attention placed on the Self in meditation or your attention witnessing the inner workings of the mind is considered the “Witness”. This is where detachment comes into play and when it starts maturing you see things in a truer light without ideologies, emotions or anything that hangs onto the false perspective. 
    It’s like you have to disown that which you picked up on the journey including the ego and mind, and the only way to do that is through introspection and the retrieval of attention. Disconnecting and retreating from the Doer (ego) to the Witness and then from the witness to the ‘Samadhi State’, which is beyond witnessing, and then the final step Home.
    There are different states of being in the body and although they are subtle they do make a big difference in ones maturity and spiritual development, so I try to break it down into steps or make present day phrases more understandable.
    It really is simple and not that complicated, but words and meanings do clog up the process.
  3. The witness state is one where we can witness our mind in depth. In other words it is the soul within every individual. The state is non-judgmental and unemotional. In this state our activities are without thought. We cannot know what we are doing. When we do meditation we are in this kind of a state. It helps to control our mind. Some experts in this field say that it is similar to death stage. But the correct meaning is not yet found.

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