The Path of Negation

This spiritual path has a long lineage of success in regards to enlightenment and Self-realization, however it gets overshadowed by worshiping and paths that have a more positive role with meditations. It’s more of a solo preference to keep your eye on the target. This path doesn’t bore or bog you with ideals, history or reasons why it’s better, nor does it require anything. It seems like an ugly path to follow, but I would assert it’s efficient, by discounting things that aren’t supposed to matter, which is mostly everything you think about. You devalue everything in your mind, not letting it take up anymore space in your thoughts. This is one of the tools I used and know well.

This path runs deep in spiritual logic and goes straight at the problem by mentally demeaning nonessential thoughts and things, by looking away from any worldly meaning outside of the Self. You inwardly negate all appearances and words that are unessential to the Self. You’re neutralizing life from the inside, rendering it incapable to distract you from your goal. Everything is worthless to you when you look deep at it. None of this shit is me, all that I perceive is just obstacles in my way. Nothing here can deliver you Home so why do I give it time. You do this because your deep interest in the truth, God liberation, peace, and happiness drives you. The freedom that comes with identifying with the true Self is your rightful heritage, a divinized state that’s waiting for you, so now you get your mind and body in sync with this Eternal tune-up.  

 You do this with a discerning eye that sees the world as a fraud in order to create a new mindset, which understands the way to Reality is taken by withdrawing your personal interest in the illusionary world. Loosing your emotional interest in the outside drama, or knowing there will be no relief there forces you to look within for relief in a sustained search inside. Knowing full well that the illusion has you locked in, and you have to be really diligent at unchaining your Self dialogue from the mind/body complex, almost like you want to wake up from a bad dream. You have to be willing to do what it takes and go within with a single minded focus on the Self, thus dissolving the universe from the inside out by meditating and talking your Self out of it.

You achieve an internal dialogue which continually sees things as false and not real, thereby counteracting any sway that desires and fears have on you. Since you can only see Eternity through the Self, which is God seeing God, then any pull from outside of that will be counterproductive to your pursuit. You have to do this because this life has us captivated your attention away from the Self, you withdraw that in order to break the spell and see clearly. By retracting your attention back away from the excess mind stuff and redirecting it back on the Self. The clinging illusion is voluntarily surrendered and only God is left. Once all residual fears and desires loose their power to interfere in the process then you are ready to let go of everything, including all concepts that comes with a personal identity, which kept you thinking and believing as an individual.

This path of looking away from everything by insistently denouncing the value and your identity as gibberish goes right to the heart of your Eternal identity, disconnecting from life. If you stick to this path around the clock it will take but a few years to be productive.

I found 90% of my thoughts were completely worthless, trivial and stupid, but you need to catch them as they happen and superimpose a new meaningless type dialogue on them. When thinking of yourself, replace it with; that’s who I thought I was but it’s not the real me, it’s all an illusion of the mind. None of this crap I’m experiencing here is worth the mind time, nor does it have anything to do with me. The whole purpose is to streamline your meditation by taking positive actions in a negative way. The mind will do everything to block you from your goal. You gain control with each thought you catch like doing a rep until they are automatic.

By mentally negating all that ‘It’ isn’t, you rediscover that which ‘It’ truly is.

Answers from the Source

When we look for solutions that come from the Source for any questions there are a few things that stand in the way blocking these divinely influenced answers. The ego influenced mind and emotions which effectively alter the mind making it incapable of obtaining the translucent quality that is conducive to the subtle Source. The universal perspective is imprinted in consciousness but it is tied to and held afloat by Awareness where the answer comes. Once the mind is crowded with thoughts that emanate from a personality or entity that identifies with appearances and emotions are laced throughout, escalating things to a higher frequency. All of this revs the mind up and creates its own problems that won’t entertain the subtle energies. The mind needs to be paused to entertain spiritual thoughts.

You may recall a time when you’re relaxed and letting go, welcoming sleep and out of the blue you got your answer, or remembered something important. These types of answers from the Source can happen to you anywhere at anytime as long as you’re surrendering your control. This allows the subtle energies to softly push forward into an open by the suspended mind, permitting a subtle synchronicity or frequency. Spiritual experiences from the Source come as softly and easy as that, but it can have a huge impact resulting in a turn around moment in life. A flood or wave of subtle energy can make one feel light and floating on air, or produce an epiphany from a higher state of consciousness, unity with life. Pure consciousness can give one the spiritual feeling. Its unbinding formless nature allows you to feel and get a sense of universal unity.

Consciousness has access to a purer consciousness which is the first transition point from Awareness, giving us the ability to use it. This free floating current which is labeled pure or universal consciousness flows everywhere in the universe. Our personality and mind imprint and embed deeper attachments in the psyche, every thing is filtered through this new interpretive lens, which keeps the mind from entertaining the lower subtle frequencies that pure consciousness and Awareness invokes.

The purity of your Source is in the Soul, the inside guru that can see things from a clear perspective, only influenced by The Almighty even though the Almighty speaks to no one. Your Soul has and provides the answers for you. Being in the moment with a suspended mind the answer falls simply, naturally, subtlety and gracefully into place, problem solved. The problem is solved by the natural laws of attraction, the question suspended the subconscious attracts the information allowing answers.    

Meditating is the key that cultivates this subtle knowledge and keeps your mind fertile for answer to take, the seed planted in an open field takes root. It can have an enlightening affect on the individual that is sometimes confused with God and Enlightenment.

Contemplation is the other key ingredient in solving hard problems, because you have to make it a problem first that will stick with you all the time even during sleep, so it has to be worked on during all your spare time giving the suspended ego and mind more time to decipher the issue. Since the suspended mind in most busy minds only happens for a second or two your problem has to be your primary thought above all else. The mind that sticks to one subject without the unnecessary escalation of energy from emotions, and with sufficient time spent in clearing the mind with peaceful pauses and meditation will increase your odds greatly. Thoughtless meditation creates a wider wave to balance out the personal point of view.

This can happen anywhere, even accidentally like in the shower when feeling the pleasure of warm water, the mind goes in silent repose with the experience. The mind steps back allowing the answer.