The Meaning of Life

We all want to know the meaning of life. I studied this subject and I’m one of the few who has a legit shot due to my own Self-realization. It’s especially hard to convey so give it a chance.

Before birth there was no you and no Soul, your Soul to be is on loan from the Eternal whole (God). Consciousness gets pulled from the Almighty at birth reserving your place in Eternity. That’s right, as they told us your Soul is Eternal, and Eternity is another name for God. You have a piece of the Almighty God. Birth is all it takes and everything you see has this backing in order to hold the universe up and together.

Another amazing fact is our Soul resides there. The Soul can’t leave Eternity but it’s connected to the mind by some invisible tether. Before it became a Soul it was just an untapped part of Eternity.

One realm is ever pure and the other ever not pure. The Eternal Almighty and the Soul is forever peaceful, it never sleeps nor stops looking, vision comes from the original Awareness of Being which is eternally aware. Keeping your eternal vision depends on your ability to block this massive pop up called life. You gotta delete it to see IT!

Surrendering all is a big part of the dying process you have to be willing to throw it all away to see your Higher Self. Nothing here is meant to last. Even though it sounds like life has no meaning, it does. Everything returns to the Source and so must you! For the time being you have independent freedom from the Whole however that means it’s all up to you to find your way Home.

We come here to understand the basic principles of life, the universe, death and then the afterlife, that’s all we need to know. You don’t need a body or mind to know that. Being human we think our personal journey matters however the afterlife will show you how shallow that really is.

My mentor and I believe it all started when Absolute space before the universe became Aware, Awareness of Being All, thusly giving birth to the universe and consciousness. In my teachers words: ‘Absolute space must’ve had that potential’. Absolute Space birthed Awareness of Being the only thing that won’t interfere with its natural state. If some sort of resource exists it naturally begets a user even in Absolute Space. It evolved from pure nothing to pure Something causing a chain reaction that birthed the universe in another dimension. It seems like Awareness turned things inside out, spreading beyond Eternity yet within. I think Awareness radiated into a spreading wave of consciousness creating another dimension of time. It technically evolved, Awareness radiated a dark consciousness or energy, I believe was the trigger mechanism.

Now we have the same opportunity to become Aware of our true nature just like the Almighty did. Granted the process is different, and on a miniature scale but the same spacial Awareness of Being Eternal. I think that is pretty cool and necessary in order to understand the reality of all.

Becoming aware of your Eternal existence is monumental.

The love we get is the love for existence, Eternity, the universe and us to live forever.

It’s all up to you, surrender all that you became for all the Eternal Soul has to offer.

The Soul has to completely release its addiction to life to embrace its eternal identity.

The Meaning of Life is to realize your Souls existence in the Almighty, and in knowing both sides you become all knowing and have independent Awareness of your Eternal Being.