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The Samadhi State

This is a state of being, in consciousness, is similar to your most natural state of existence when you were born, which means it’s a refection on your Eternal state of being. This state of being can be considered the waiting room before Self-realization. Your ability to spend some time here will be determined by your dedication, mind control, and surrendering powers. Mind strength is your ability to keep the mind in silent repose, surrendering the world and all your predispositions as a human is a huge part of staying there. To arrive in the Samadhi state takes a high level of surrendering, sincere earnestness, and a lot of practice, because the “Witnessing state” with eyes closed is difficult, but a necessary stage.

The characteristics of the Samadhi state are beyond meditation techniques, because most techniques are designed to get you to the Witness state. However, taking the next step in is done by abandoning any links to the mind and body, all the meditation techniques and thinking is gone. In a transition zone your perceiving (Witnessing) nothing but consciousness, life force, or internal energy. This zone is more or less another waiting area, or stage before you slip into Samadhi, which is the merging or union of the perceiver and the perceived. Altogether, I see four levels or stages of spiritual progression: The Doer state, the Witness state (Active and Inactive), the Samadhi state, and the Eternal state.

Surrendering all concepts that are related to appearances, and ideas of a separate God are part of the transitioning into this divine state. Letting go, releasing your grip, looking away from all personal and conditioned responses of the mind, for one thoughtless and primordial state of being in consciousness. When sitting and waiting in the transition zone of formless meditating witnessing the life force energy it produces an unnoticeable, feelingless merge between the states, before you know it you’re in Samadhi. When consciousness falls in sync with Awareness they sit as one in the Samadhi state, without movement or reason. This thoughtless state of being is characterized as a lost of perceiving of anything external or internal, nothing outside or inside of you is perceivable nor preventing you from just being like this. The Samadhi state is the supreme state of surrendering, and your ability to stay like this for extended periods, determines your ability to surrender and go with it, which is releasing limited identity for the Eternal One. Eventually your fortitude and determination at acquiring this state of being when meditating will release you from your imaginary bondage, once liberated from the universe, death and afterlife, contentment for what is will reign supreme.

This Samadhi state, which is the closest representation of your Eternal state of being while embodied will be last step you can take before Self-realization, the ultimate step will be beyond all. To go beyond, entrainment will happen between the Samadhi state and Eternity (God) Awareness, between consciousness and Awareness, which will deliver you. It’s almost like you’re spreading out consciousness thinly until a tear in the fabric takes exposes the Eternal realm, our real Home.

Consciousness vs. Awareness

In a lot of spiritual books consciousness is divided into groups: The universal or super-consciousness, and regular consciousness. This change in consciousness happens when experiencing the Source, our local consciousness changes as well when going into an unconscious state, and consciousness in the afterlife, but super-consciousness doesn’t change. It’s eternal and being eternal is Godly, I call it Awareness.

I classify Awareness as God, Eternity, Soul, Absolute Space and Self, our Eternal identity. While local consciousnesses relationship to energy is needing a form to perceive matter. Awareness is without changing and opposing particles of energy that forms need to exist. Consciousness is the child of Awareness, activated for a tour of duty, is a blessing in disguise.

Awareness’s first point of contact in the universe is in this bio-consciousness mass, referred to as “The Witness” in spiritual books. Consciousness in the body and mind is a moving form of consciousness prone to external forces creating different states of being, however Awareness is always consistent. The watcher perceiving the flow of images through consciousness until it becomes Awareness when the watcher sees Reality. Awareness can’t see the universe or even understand duality until birth. Spiritual experiences in consciousness are all over the charts, but the ultimate experience of Self-realization is the same for one and all, it happens in Awareness only, no moving visuals, no sounds, no forms, no color, no movement. Birth turns on the display of sensory enjoyment when the love affair takes off with energy and the flow of opposites. Lost in the thrill of consciousness our Eternal identity is glossed over by this temporary heightened sense of existence, which is outside the norm.

Consciousness is a product of the universe, and consequently must stay with the universe after death and the afterlife . Awareness sits in its own dimension of pure Space, is unaffected by the unfolding drama of its new attached organism. Awareness is the most subtle form of consciousness, comprised of a Still Eternal Light, the common denominator in all things, which is like a foundation behind movement of life. It seems like Awareness radiated consciousness causing a spreading wave or “Akasha field” of energy seeping out creating the universal expansion we see today. And, even though this subtle movement eventually turned life into the universe, it is still a moving part, reflection of Awareness, not the real You.

You are the still Source that supports the universe, all that appears in the universe is linked to You, but an imperfect link or an imperfect reflection of You. You are perfect at the core and a crucial piece in the puzzle of life and Eternity. Just by existing in your true identity is all you have to do, the best you can do, because by not identifying with this mass of vapors parading around as reality you turn into a beacon of truth for Awareness. Once your Soul gets a sobering look at Reality it washes away all the false notions.

Peaceful Pauses

Everyday in our normal working lives we are faced with many opportunities to work on our spiritual development, but we usually waste it on unproductive mind chatter. Why not put this time to good use, it really doesn’t matter how little the time is, because in establishing a new mental pattern it all begins with these wasted moments. Why let the mind control you and take you to places that don’t have any meaning or you don’t want to go, eventually adding weight on the back of your mind. When we take a close look at our internal dialogue, beyond our duties and normal reactions, most of it is complete gibberish, this technique is designed for that and can cultivate stability and mind control. You can work on these moments to advance yourself spiritually, strengthen the mind and concentration, you don’t have to give up anything.

No matter how busy our day is we experience down time with gaps in-between places, which can become mentally and spiritually productive. So many times we are caught between appointments and destinations, and it seems like a big part of life is wasted time, most of the time we fill it up with mental gossip, desires, fears and worries. Why do we reinforce bad behavior in our thoughts and not our kids.

Practice these pauses can also be done with the eyes open, whether in front of the computer, TV, reading, or any number of ways. I was able to find many ways throughout the day, there is no need of posture. When it’s down time anyways why not do it? Why entertain all this childish mind stuff that just provides more issues. There is no need to be obvious, keep it hidden, under the radar, you can do spiritual work any time and any place, a series of pauses can help you regulate your emotions. It’ll give you a calm foundation to check in at throughout the hectic day, give you a sense of peace in trying moments.

Negating thoughts by superimposing another dialogue over them works well here and necessary part of this. Catch the stupid thoughts as quickly as you can before the energy takes over with a snowball effect. The sooner you do the easier it is to shelf them and return to spiritual dialogue or down them in a meaningless and childish rhetoric.

Another technique is withdrawing your attention away to observe and focus on internal energies, thereby being in the moment with that energy. You will notice different types of currents and sensations that once observed (without thinking) in short time starts calming them down. It will depend on what you’re involved with at the time, but by going in you start defusing the situation. The over stimulated areas loose their concentrated energy, leaving the energy to flounder aimlessly, dissipating it without direction resulting in a spreading action. You can perceive this and different kinds of wavy currents, heart rate, blood flow and heat changes. I actually enjoy checking in with the life-force whenever I can. It’s like a short detour. It’s good to start with these pauses, because sitting for long periods of time in a thoughtless manner is hard to master, so you work up to more time. When you are in the background observing the current the mind ceases, but when your involved in thought your back to the foreground and the world. It’s a change in direction with your attention and focus, by falling back to the rear position before the energy you can sit and watch the inside energy move. It improves your mental health.

Remember you are not what you observe in life, so be what you are, and separate yourself from what you are not, this is the goal of peaceful pauses and meditation in general.

The Theater Seat

I’m watching a drama unfold before me, totally immersed in the drama my guarded emotions aren’t helping. Always working on detachment I push away for distance so I don’t get dragged in on this roller coaster. I need distance so I go in, and in to myself for separation.

All of a sudden a light turns on and I see my predicament. I’m in a theater, it’s just a movie, that drama doesn’t matter at all, and it has nothing to do with me because I’ve been over here all along, that was just a move of my life. Thank God it wasn’t a big deal to begin with.

The Soul is sitting in the theater of life watching the show. Laughing and crying until the light turns on and the images disappear, you realize none of this is you, it’s just images on the screen. I know I will never die, just the movie ends. This is enlightenment. This is the reason why the great ones call life an illusion.

Part of the original story :

“Oh no you’re not, I know better than that,” said the venerable old man, “you never left your theater seat.” What! What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind silly old man? “No!” He said, “You’re the one that lost your mind, because you lost control of it. When you take control of it and realize where your seat is, which is your natural identity, you’ll find out that you never really left your seat, and you’ll start talking like this as well.” “Really, tell me more” replied the visitor . “Well, I found out that we don’t really die and we were never born, as a matter of fact I never left my seat and went anywhere, it was all a theatrical play and I thought I was in it playing a staring role. Then I found out the joke was on me, because the lights came on and the show ended, then I saw the gravity of my mistake. I realized I didn’t even have a part in the show, just thought I had. Now, I help others in finding that light switch, so they can see their position in the theater of reality.”

That’s strange, what else did he say?

“He told me I was making a grave error in believing that I was a fragile human, when I was Eternal and indestructible.” After a long discussion and follow up meetings he said I was ready, and sent me off with a method and clues, and retorted, “figure it out”….“no one can do that for you”…. “Believe in me and what I say and don’t look back, keep searching for the theater until you find it, and see for yourself, what all the great ones saw, you won’t be disappointed. Because in knowing your true position, you find your own anchor of stability on the open seas, and it is a most valuable asset, for you’ll never be lost again. Look within and away from the theatrical world of images and energy, you’ll find yourself sitting in the pure still sea of Eternity.”

This was all so new to me, I was taken back by the statement, but I was also very curious, crazy or not he had me hook, line and sinker. Walking to the station I asked him, what is the theater? And, how do I find this switch to turn on the light?

“The theater is the grand arena of Eternal space that our Soul resides in, permanently, you’ll find the switch after fumbling around in the dark for some time. But when you do, you will see the source of all, and you realize this play was an illusion, which you had bought into, with a ticket called birth. You never find out where the switch is, or how you turned it on, but by following a simple formula, detaching yourself from the play mentally, you start the search for the switch and eventually the theater will be reveled. You’re in essence moving away from the foreground of sensual involvement in the play, to the background darkness of the theater, you stay until the light turns on. So, sit back in your seat and know your seat is still, energyless, feelingless, and not perceivable, and what you perceive is the show. When you’re able to look away from the show long enough, the show ends and the theater is visible. Your relentless noninvolvement in the show switches on the original Light in the theater, in Absolute space, your eternal home. But remember, when you’re caught up in the show, your not looking for the switch.”

The simple man decides to follow his friends counsel and became his number one disciple. After a couple of years of training his teacher told him, “stop searching for the switch, for the switch is your ability to surrender everything in front of you for the Light switch. So, sit in the stillness of the theater seat, which is your rear most point of observation, and in the darkness which is in-between the observer and the observed, lies the switch. Become the thoughtless observer from that seat, and stay there in that pure Awareness of nothing else but being, and in that place you naturally cast your moorings aside for what’s beyond.”

The simple man showed up three years later at his teachers clinic, got down on his knees before him for and said, “That which I thought was real and tangible is shallow and superficial in comparison, you have opened my eyes. You are one of the great teachers of all that is timeless, I have to give you my deepest thanks and repay my debt by passing on your teachings of the true and timeless words of Spirituality.” Tears welded up in his master’s eyes as he said in a tender voice, “You have already given me the greatest gift of all with the second most glorious day of my life. It is truly one of the best days on earth to receive such a precious gift in return, and now you know we are That, and not this.” The master held out his hands and helped the simple man off. “God has bestowed his grace on you with the glorious vision of his Kingdom, now go my friend and help other seekers, for now you are beyond the need of further help.” A long embrace and a few tears dropped from the great joy of the moment, and a sense of awe hung in the air due to the rarity of such an event, and they were basking in it. They parted and never saw one another in form again, but the simple man turned into one of the best spiritual teachers of his time.


Spirituality is the exit ramp off the expressway of life. It shows you another way of living that isn’t confined and defined by the high speed rat race. It talks about the field of wildflowers that thrive and survive in the stillness of the off ramp, offering a refuge from the nonstop pace. We shouldn’t buy into the brainwashing of society that wants you at the same speed as everyone else, to be more productive, so you can buy more things and donate more money. In today’s religious institutions you get very little in return, a few words of wisdom, a lot of wishful thinking, and a real lack of logical answers to big questions. When it should answer all those questions, after all they do claim to understand the unknown but why are there so many holes in their logic. It should be an informative discussion on finding your own Realization, so you can be as content as the wildflowers which sit in the stillness of a simple existence. It should show you the way by discerning the false from fact, guiding you to your own contentment that is waiting within you. Real spirituality moves away from the outside world of the senses and goes inward to explore the reality that lies beyond appearances.

Being productive in the world is societies beckoning call, however being spiritually productive is God’s beckoning call, and they are related, as far as duty is concerned. You have your duty to the family and to society by creating a stable environment for it to thrive, and a duty to God by worshiping in silence through meditation and contemplation. Meditation is the most important component to spirituality because it activates the thoughtless witness, which usually lays dormant, the witness is the bridge between the Soul (Eternity) and mind. Meditation and introspection on the outside may look unproductive and easy, but on the inside it’s very productive and hard to master. Spirituality is not an easy endeavor; as a matter of fact it might be one of the hardest but most rewarding endeavors of your life. Self-realization will turn your world inside out when you face reality, you no longer see yourself as a human first and foremost. The end goal of spirituality is to see what you really are, Awareness in Eternal space without the body, mind or universe. Then you’re aligned with the truth, and you find your natural state of existence, that was previously glossed over by the manic doer of the untrue. You go back to the beginning of time, where the core of all things sit as one, and you see where it all comes from and where it all ends up. The wisdom of the Saints is now your wisdom, as you blaze your own trail in the realm of spirituality. You will see life and God as clear as the Saints did, and understand the pit falls and stepping stones of the spiritual aspirant, which eventually leads them to contentment.