Earnestness to Enlightenment

Earnestness leads to Enlightenment like it dose to any skill in life. The earnestness is intense interest in research, understanding and the determination it takes to get there. It’s the effort applied when reaching for a goal. When most people think of enlightenment they think it’s too hard and unreachable, or it happens naturally without much effort. This is a confusing point for some, because of the nature of Self-realization. Which happens during a state of surrendering everything you are not through an undying earnestness. Everyone will have different time frames due to the varying degrees of interest and ingrained dogmas that stagnate growth. Nonetheless, by giving you an idea of how much earnestness is needed you get an idea for what it takes. You may have a similar experience in earnestness, that sustained desire to understand something or mastering a trade.

Enlightenment talk here is returning home to Eternity, and realizing your true identity first hand. You’re really going in full circle, back through the same direction or door from whence you came.

How much effort is necessary to realize your true identity? Well, how much effort do you need in order to become an expert at something like a trade, craft or profession. Do you play a sport or instrument with ease, like the instrument or equipment was a pure extension of your intention, on a good day you fall into a zone and get as close to perfection as you can. To be able to get to that level takes plenty of earnestness, and at that level the same feelings hold true of effortlessly doing it, without employing the mind. This is a state of “Witnessing” which is based in knowledge and matures with practice, produces your best performance. When you get extremely interested and determined to be good at something, you really can’t leave it alone until you master it. And, once you arrive at that easy stage of a master, then you’re so confident in your skill that it that happens naturally and spontaneously without thinking, never doubting your ability. Similarly, mastering the art of spirituality takes this type of seriousness until it becomes effortless and a natural part of your daily existence. Always working on yourself until you don’t know anything else, or any other way of living. It’s a natural part of you, making it an on going process that eventually dominates everything else, deeming them nonproductive to your pursuit. You don’t have to think about purposely doing it anymore, since you live and breath it now, and if you have no intention of stopping, then only one thing can happen, you find and see Eternal PERFECTION.

Waiting for Enlightenment without making the effort just doesn’t work. Some will stumble around and get a spiritual experience through meltdowns, drugs, epiphanies, or near death experiences. These are unusual circumstances do provide some help, however doesn’t it bring about the complete Self-realization that we’re looking for, it can help in keeping you on the path.. Nothing in life comes easy, as you know and this is no different, all the failures and successes on the path are a necessary part of the journey. Obviously no one can do that for you, so you have to find your own inner desire, your leader, your teacher, and let pure reasoning guide you through.

Spiritual contemplation and meditation seems to be the path for all. Introspection and meditating by surrendering control turns out to be the sincere earnestness that’s required. Waiting in thoughtlessness for the metaphorical door to open, is the waiting area for all, and we all end up knocking at the same door. The Source has but one door, which is in consciousness, and all paths are united when approaching that door, your persistence at remaining there, opens it. How much do you want it? Are you willing to sacrifice everything, including your personal life for that goal? If you are earnest and steadfast to your goal, it won’t take that long, but few will be, most will wander off, enticed by the world of senses. If you are 100% committed on all fronts, it will be similar to getting a degree, in about two to four years, after reaching your peak commitment.

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