Tag Archives: Death

The Transparent Spiritualist

The religions of the world are right about one thing, the Soul is Eternal. If you need something to believe in you can believe in that, if you act on that religion isn’t necessary. This is the world of spirituality, not only does it integrate well with religions it can also stand on its own. I’m not a religious person, yet I achieved the highest level there is in spirituality. Anyone can, even in the mix of every day life and you can keep your religion. It’s a personal choice, you can have the community involvement with your religion and still practice spirituality.

 As they say, the Soul is Eternal, that which is Eternal is Godly, without that Godly connection to everything nothing is possible. Your Soul is part of the Almighty arms that cradle the universe, the giver of life. It’s an amazing perk, however there is a catch. It is so eloquently said in this prayer “I pray the Lord my Soul to keep.” That says it all, and in a nutshell the meaning of life. It tells us eternal life isn’t certain, we can loose our Soul, and keeping our Soul is exactly what we need to do. It also means we have to do something to keep it and it depends on us to figure it out. You don’t want to give the Soul back, and you need to know how to keep it.

That’s what I’m here for, to be the first transparent spiritual teacher, there are too many secrets and way too many fakes that want to keep it that way. I know for sure, God and the Soul are One. You have to have faith in the eternal Soul and what I’m telling you. That’s the only faith you need. I know the end game as well as anyone can, when you understand this game of life and death it can be used to your advantage no matter what happened in life. You can win eternal life.

Your Soul is your eternal connection that is there for you to choose or loose. I teach you how to choose by showing you what to loose and how to loose it.  Why would you want to keep hanging on to your imperfect Self in light of the Almighty perfection within. 

My hope, if spiritual paths like this have a chance to go mainstream, we can save more Souls than all the great ones before us.

Unusual Morning

First of all I would like to give you a little background to show this unusual experience is not something that came from mental illness, lack of sleep, sleepwalking or drugs. Thanks to lucky DNA in one area of my life I have no mental illness of any kind, I never sleep walk and drugs or alcohol are in my distant past.

I had unusual experiences in deep meditation but it had nothing to do with life, mind or body. Besides paranormal stuff this experience I will detail here is the most unusual experience I had in every day life which contradicts my normal solid state of living.

This unusual morning I woke up early from a normal dream. I awoke in a thoughtless state Just in case I want to fall back asleep. Sitting up on the side of the bed, all of a sudden these thoughts come streaming in: I shouldn’t be alive, I should be dead, I shouldn’t be sitting up! There was a feeling of confusion and unhappiness in the words. It was so unusual I decided to go with it by remaining thoughtless and in the background. As I get up more words come: “I shouldn’t be walking, I should be dead!” I’m now walking through bathroom and into the walk-in closet I get a sense that I loosing the connection and/or the voice is starting to understand what’s going on as I sit down in the closet and wait in silence. The cat walks in I voluntarily decide to pet the cat to see if I can get a reaction. The cat feels extra warm and fluffy to the touch when the word “Wooonnderfull” comes in. No more feeling of confusion or unhappiness. I sit and wait for minutes but nothing else comes up. My morning ritual ensues and thoughts come roaring in. Why and where are these words coming from when I didn’t die in my dream, and why was I not happy about being alive?  Insisting I should be dead! Why is there confusion! Drinking my coffee my sister calls to inform me my sister died two hours ago. I told her that explains the unusual thing that happened to me and I text her my experience. It was My sister! I was her medium. She had the use of my brain and senses since her’s were gone. She was an amazing women. She dedicated her life to helping others and the harder she worked the more people she could help. My wife once said “she is hardest working unemployed person I know.” 100 mph she went, traveling around the world until her passing, her ambition never waned. Around a 1000 people showed up to her life celebration party, and I was honored to give her a last parting gift. I remember thinking about my teacher after the phone call when these words popped in “Sawmiji was right after all” but will she remain with me as an attached Soul. He believes people of similar magnetism, or people in your family will attach to you as they go through their end of life process. I believed they are free floating and earth bound going through their afterlife before Eternity, but now I’m thinking like him, is it attached Souls or free floating, I think both are probably correct since attachment to places and things are also possible so it depends on the circumstance.


I went to his meditation retreats in the eighties and sponsored retreats in Sedona in early nighties. It was an instrumental pleasure to have him stay at my house and it gave me a lot of time alone with him. He said, when people die they stay earth bound and usually piggyback on siblings (and tragically sometimes places) because of the same magnetism or a magnetic attraction, a common frequency or desire as the go through their stuff. I guess I was a good a host and we had an unusual mind meld. In hindsight, deep down I knew it was her. She was battling brain cancer. I’m so happy I was able to gift myself to her.

The Moment of Death

If there was ever an opportune time to make an amazing transition in a glorious fashion this will be your shining moment to do so.  This transition has everything to do with your immediate future and your everlasting peace.  I’ll tell you this, it’ll have nothing to do with the world you’re transitioning from nor the relationships you acquired.  You’re seriously on your own now but you’ll have the power to rewrite the next chapter and control the outcome, or you will get stuck in the residue mud of life.

There will be an invisible path available for use but the visible path will summoned your attention.  The right decision now can right the wrong, that way will appear when the other connection ends.  The correct decision will be the invisible path, the family or saint you expect to see in the afterlife will be the incorrect path.  This opportune moment boils down between the identity that was created through birth and the true identity which awaits within the Almighty Heavens when the Soul takes over.

If you want the Eternal Heavens to open the door to your peaceful Home, releasing you from this holding pattern called life then your time has come to act.  A practice in meditation during life can give you the strength to resist the temptation of old patterns and unveil what’s beyond.  But it is still a tough nut to crack.

If you are successful in this moment it will be monumental for you, allowing you to forego the long and confusing afterlife, breaking free from temporality.  There will be a moment at death when the dissolving energy of life gives you the most favorable window before the afterlife closes in.  Even if you fall for the images of life, that can still be your red flag by realizing your mistake, you can deny the attraction. The reality of the Afterlife is just hallow images, they are the ghosts of your life.  They are self created downloads from the past, an ongoing illusion from the physical world that you can’t allow to hold your attention anymore, because the window is closing.

Eastern Books of the Dead, and Self-realized Saints touch upon this defining Moment of Death which your Soul can take advantage of for deliverance.  The real teachers throughout time have opened this door when enlightenment dawned, and at death will bypass the afterlife drama. It all has to take place right after one stage is ending, before the other stage takes over making it vulnerable to change.  The Soul at this moment can become your destiny if one knows what to do and what to look for.  A practice in meditation is in the right direction because you started the disconnect process by receding in and away from the outside world and mind.

Any image especially one of dead family members, your Saint or God can really foil you by drawing you into its clutches out of fear of anything unknown. This is your mental world that is lingering with the same negative aspects of life.  You made it, and at this point only you can dissolve it by retracting your attention away from it. It must be ignored if you want to see Eternity, it’s one or the other, time based images can’t exist in Eternity.  It’s a separate dimension all together, and to enter the Pure Heavens you have to leave your impure life and mind at the door.