All posts by kurt

Death and the Afterlife

After my own Self-realization I was able to formulate a theory on the Afterlife, or the zone in-between here and Eternity. The most I can do now is tell you how very certain I am about this theory, and if correct this essay will be one of the most important articles you’ll read, for it will be indispensable to all who read it.  

The Afterlife is a transitioning zone under the influence of time, however time here is different. The ethereal nature of this environment lends itself to time very slowly, and light on a subtle level is the very catalyst that propels this realm. This transition zone is a very important step in ones journey where you undiscover the domain of manifestation within another dimension, a sort of dialing down of energy, ego and images, until you see what’s behind them. This 2nd dimension of time is very similar to the dream state you experience every night, and essentially it’s the realm of the mind. This is a personal world of your life, and your ultimate goal is to get past it in order to uncover the other side, which is your Eternal Home, or the only lasting reality that doesn’t perish. It’s largely based on your ability to differentiate and understand your real Self or Soul, in the light of appearances. Your Afterlife is held together by a group of particles, their ability to hang together for a very long time creates a lifespan that can continue for many centuries.

This realm is a self-governed environment that works without any outside influences and its totally self produced, directed and written by you, for you, so it has to be dismantled by you. If you wait for time in order to slowly dissolve the show you’re asking for a lot of unusual and repetitive drama, and failure however you can dismantle the particles from the inside out. Time based particles stick together through a magnetic charge of positive and negative ions, and your life is what charged it up, but now your attention keeps it going. And, if you follow that lead you’ll be bouncing around between desires (+) and fears (-) in a seemingly endless and uncontrollable circle. Remaining neutral by retracting your attention (the act of meditation) will stop feeding the images, and your persistence at this task will stop the show altogether. The withdrawal of attention causes the particles to break up for the lack of direction and attraction, and it also depletes the resource of energy and light.

The Afterlife is a necessary stop, because you can’t take this identity with you, and your identity to this mind and body manifests fears and desires that’ll play out, which you put together and validate their existence by not opposing them. Eternity doesn’t have images, emotions, issues or imbalance of any kind and your eternal Soul reflects that, but it’s still connected to a new identity and a world it won’t let go of. You have to voluntarily restore your pure eternal identity by rejecting your new one, so your eternal identity is unveiled after you let go of the new one. Your identity and attention placed in appearances through the course of a lifetime has now given you an ingrain habit, and that’s the spell that needs to be broken. Your compelled to participate and your attention focused in and on the images is exactly what keeps the Afterlife alive and well.

The diversion of your attention is the only power you have here, and if your attention is focused outside of your Self then another avenue of life experiences will open up. All of your data is stored within a group of energy particles that are drawn together in a small sphere, like memory chips within a plasma TV, and your stuck right in front it with your attention playing the role of the computer mouse triggering memories. Unable to control much of anything it will seem hopeless and endless until you start retracting your vision through meditation. You’re essentially looking away and thereby not identifying with what you see.

The retraction of attention away from the drama and back onto the Soul is your only recourse, this is called meditation. You must understand that meditation is a very important spiritual ritual, and if you are doing it now as a habit it will benefit you here and in the Afterlife.

This personal world of yours is for you only so it has to be relinquished by you, because it stands in the way of your eternal harmony. All of your life’s habits will be part of the show, and although you will be freed from pain, hunger, thirst, work, responsibilities and so on, the mental idea of it will still plague your every move, because it’s a deeply imprinted mind pattern. You need not work or eat anymore for survival, but the habitual idea of it will compel you to continue. It all has to be surrendered, because your little world is a product of manifestation, and any time based product will have a limited shelf life. Things that change or evolve don’t have the right properties to exist in Eternity. Eternity has always been a changeless and formless space, for it has to be in order to be eternal and anything that has to do with time must be forfeited.   

Identifying with appearances is the root of all suffering.

This will glue you to this 2d realm for a very long time until you continually withdraw your attention from the images, thus refusing its validity and importance, because the next step will have to be free of all dispositions. When you have nothing then nothing allows you entry into everything, because Eternity is everything at the source, which is God and the only identity you can keep. The finale dimension of One is ground zero of the ultimate unity, where all attributes are cast aside and you remain as One in the belly of God, which is beyond all opposites and disharmony of any kind.

Those who did serious spiritual research aligned with critical introspection will advance out quicker. Those who had a long and complete life and those who had a rough life will detach quicker, even  those with lucid dreaming qualities will graduate faster, if they know what to do.

It all depends on you and your ability to cast off all habits, desires and fears, or anything that keeps you connected to the Afterlife, because your interest in the scene is getting in the way of your complete unity with God.

The Feeling of Unity

That certain feeling of oneness, which is described by many as unity consciousness is a wonderful moment in the expansion of consciousness. A lovely feeling of unity that is felt through the subtle waves of consciousness, which takes place when the individual suddenly and without warning, moves aside causes their internal perceiving point to retract into subtler waves of energy. This is usually an important event in many people’s lives, that will leave them thirsting for more. This consciousness unity can lead many down the spiritual path and it’s indispensable for that reason, and it can happen in natural or unnatural situations, however it should not to be confused with Self-realization or Eternity, because of the feeling aspect.

This feeling of unity can be attained in many different ways and although it may change your outlook it simply doesn’t have a lasting effect, but the thought of it will, and it should inspire you to continue on to higher levels of spiritualism. Unfortunately some get complacent, some look for notoriety before its time, this will stagnate any further growth. Some find this place unnaturally and try to replicate the conditions, some teeter on thin lines falling into it, but both of these conditions are usually very misleading.  

Any number of things can bring about this unity feeling naturally or forced, sometimes an event induces it, such as a traumatic experience, a near death experience or forced with drugs, however the trigger mechanism reflects the conditions making every situation different. The natural way through Religion and Spirituality is the best way to attain this heightened state of free-floating awareness, the results here should propel you on to deeper states, to continue your pursuit.    

The Evangelist’s are waving arms trying to feel that unity, the Catholics are reciting scripture and prayers, the spiritual groups are reciting mantras and meditating, the fringe groups are using sleep and food deprivation as a tool, and the chemist is doing powerful drugs in order to recapture it, however most are looking within the confines of matter and energy. Looking everywhere and doing anything for that feeling, but that feeling can only be temporary, never repeated in the same manner, because feelings are very convoluted. Anything that’s based in energy and matter such as feelings are so complex they’re usually a one-hit-wonder and a curse for some. Because the seeker will try to recapture it in any form they can, for they believe that this is ‘it’ and they know how to find it, thus pushing them in the wrong direction.

< p>The natural way is somewhat similar to the unnatural way in this regard, because trying to duplicate the same conditions as before is impossible, this is the reason why the present moment is ever fresh and ever new. However, there is a stark difference between the two that needs to be pointed out. The natural way propels you further while the unnatural way has the tendency to mislead.

< p>I have fallen for both ways, found that feeling of unity in drugs and naturally through meditation, but I didn’t stop there, because my mentor urged me to let go and continue. We need to heed the advice from those who walked before us and trust in their ability to guide without letting our ego in to inflate or deflate the situation.

The real experience of Self-realization is totally contrasting to any feelings of any type and empty of any type of forms, that will be Self evident when Self-realization happens to you.

Eternity is permanence at the source, only the Self can experience this eternal realm, because energy consciousness is oscillating waves breeding interim opposites, which have a short shelf life, and energy consciousness allows you the ability to perceive these opposites in action. Pure Awareness or Pure Consciousness at the source is beyond all of these new attributes provided by energy consciousness, but nonetheless the two are still related. Pure Consciousness is still, moving energy consciousness evolves out of that Stillness giving birth to new qualities, including the mind. The sacred feeling of unity through the unbiased universal consciousness is a purer source of energy consciousness that is subtler, identity-less and free flowing. The real unity in Eternity is feeling less.

Sayings on Self-Realization

Life is everything you thought you wanted, everything you thought you needed, and everything you thought you were, then suddenly it’s all stripped away when you see God.

Your identity, God’s identity, and the identity of the universe is then rightfully returned to its original position within you.  

Only one answer is needed, only one answer is worth the effort, and only one answer is worthy of the universal question, and the answer reveals Eternity within you.

Seeing is believing therefore believing is having faith in being and action towards seeing is believing in oneself. 

The perfect and pure Self sees the imperfect world with the impure mind and identifies with what it sees, and firsthand realization of this mistake is Enlightenment.

Caught up in a nonstop flow of opposites we unwittingly downgrade our perception of Reality and fabricate a time limited identity.

Truth is not anything that evolves for a changing truth is false, and that which doesn’t begin from the false is the timeless truth.

Self-realization delivers contentment when Eternity bankrupts time.  

Detachment from time is meditation at its purest level, so any meditation that has time related byproducts in it is still attached to time, and grounded by impurities.

Its time to suffer when time is your only belief.

Self-realization is the only real power we have over manifestation.

Eternal at our Source we are a piece of God, but seemingly rendered powerless to control much of anything until Self-realization, which changes your identity and outlook.  

Looking everywhere and finding nothing the aspirant looks within and finds everything in nothing. 

Being at home in the world will never happen, but being at home within the body can.

Seemingly lost and searching the restless Spirit doesn’t find solace in anything until it uncovers Eternity, and that discovery finds solace in being. 

Meditation is searching for stability in an unstable environment, and the stable part is found when the unstable part realizes its limitations.

There is only one egoless moment, only one present moment, only one bodiless moment, and only one mindless moment, which is authentic to being, and that moment is called Self-realization.

The Spiritualist or Realized Spiritual Teacher

This enlightened instructor will guide anyone in their spiritual development regardless of past transgressions and religious ideologies. All that is needed on the student’s part is a willingness to learn accompanied with earnestness to put into practice, so trust and faith is a big part of that connection. The Spiritualist will offer the best guidelines, usually stay away from religious dogmas and religions, they won’t hold anyone to strict spiritual requirements regarding austerities and abstinence, just moderation and evaluation.

They will talk about the truth, God, Self, Soul or Eternity as the central core where all paths lead, and emphasize due diligence at eroding personal and common blocks that obstruct the aspirant’s finale transition into Eternity. The problem has a very common and recognizable root system in manifestation, the teacher has worked through the situation thus understands the issue, but always working towards Eternity they will disregard situations and treat it as frivolous.

Because, in the opposite direction of Eternity lies a myriad of personal ideologies, accolades and issues (attachments) that the aspirant has to move beyond with guidance from the Spiritualist. The teacher can’t force the student to do anything if the student isn’t willing to do so for their self. The priceless information raised in teaching will be understandable by those who are willing to apply themselves in research, introspection and meditation. Earnestness towards that creates the internal surrendering that is needed, and that in turn causes attachments to fall away natural, however if the seeker isn’t sincere then the words will wait patiently for the right moment to trigger them.

The ego is a hard wall to fight against, but the spiritualist doesn’t waver for this is a very common theme, at some point even the most harden and resistant people will verify their words from within the Self. Therefore nothing is lost and everything is eventually found, so the instructor patiently understands that it will always help, but usually a seed for the future. Very few will be able to respond and verify their words during their lifetime, however it doesn’t matter for the words once read or heard will be verified. 

The process or journey that leads up to this spiritual understanding is different for everyone as well as the way one teaches spirituality after Realization, however the act of surrendering and Self-realization is the same for all seekers when their seeking comes to a close. Their journey over they unite and see their unity in the Almighty, and although this primordial enigmatic experience is the same for everyone there can be attributable effects on the body, which will be determined by genetics or predispositions. And, the instructor’s unique way of teaching will vary depending on their background and circumstances.

The mind reaching its limit and the Self loosing its, the finale outcome of Enlightenment is identical for everyone when their identity inverts back into Eternity. 

This identity altering event is on the mind, and the mind will express this in many different ways but words that are depending on circumstances can be taken out of context and get obscured. The whole gamut of expressions is open for hijacking in order to make a point, and since that point is relatively unknown the words get tangled up in concepts and misunderstood. 

Only time and hindsight seems to validate these lasting words of the teacher, and with help from the truly intuitive people will bring the words into the forefront of spirituality. The instructor will find some serious seekers along the way and have some success in helping, but most people are knee deep in preserving the mind, guarding its present ideas and concepts as their primary identity. Not many are willing to pursue Self-realization in the face of life’s adversity, even though just the act of pursuing it will soften life’s pitfalls and smooth out the ride.

Most of the spiritualist’s words will have to wait just below the surface for the right moment when the aspirant is ready, or when desperation causes them to reevaluate.

The spiritualist will always continue to the last breath, because they know beyond any doubt that what they speak is the truth and they are the best person for this position, they also know their words will not fail, but continue to resonate in all who read them.


The Mind and Knowing

Knowing is an Eternal characteristic of Awareness (God, Soul, Self), and the mind its temporary functioning processor.

There seems to be a stable link between the mind and Knowing while embodied, however this personal link has a limited shelf life and will severe eventually. This link to the mind first sprouted out of the foundation of Knowing and with the help from life, another form of knowing appears as the Self. This new type of knowing appears within the eternal knowing of God, which adds to knowing when the autonomous Self emerges.

The big question is; does the added attribute of knowing life intimately stay indefinitely in all Knowing?

If it doesn’t, then the idea of knowing life is a fading concept that doesn’t last in the Eternal realm and life is forgotten altogether, because the universe isn’t perceivable in Eternity, consequently making rebirth necessary. Then becoming another is a fundamental need that doesn’t add to the equity of knowing, thus making the link between the mind and knowing a very important, repetitive, and necessary evil for the Self. However, when it is a fading concept, then the notion of an all knowing God doesn’t exist or last, which ultimately means Eternity or God is not all knowing, just aware space, but it isn’t, for then there wouldn’t be consciousness, or entities that are aware of their Self looking at God.

If it does remain, then rebirth isn’t necessary and you take an all knowing understanding with you always unless rebirth is chosen, which resets the initiative through a new mind set. This new mind takes precedence over knowing when it’s interested in becoming, and the added concepts throws the old Knower of Eternity or the Self back into a latent treasure waiting for Self-discovery.

Still, the added understanding of life brings in a new facet of knowing, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything was lacking to begin with, despite it being new, because an all knowing God knows it, but we don’t, so it’s new to the Self. Birth reigns in a new Soul, its a sliver of the original source, so its a God giving God exchange for life to flourish and for the development of Souls with Self-governing action.

When you recapture your Eternal identity all imperfections are naturally striped away leaving you in a pure state, however knowing that life is there and your involvement with it will go on as your independent (if you please) Self. Eternity was there long before the universe developed into life, and although Awareness spawned conscious energy its unperceivable in Eternal Stillness. Eternity is in it’s most complete, purest state possible leaving it changeless and Still, and knowing at the core of Awareness is an aspect of that eternal Stillness, for knowing doesn’t need movement nor the mind.

Knowing doesn’t need movement when the holder knows it, but it takes movement to download it.    

When you see fire do you have to keep telling yourself it’s hot? Water wet? Sugar sweet?

No, you just know it, and it’s just like that, it’s the movement of the mind that takes things too far and backfires.

In fact, the imperfect mind will always be the roadblock to the satisfied mind, but the Self always satisfied is a treasure for all.

The mind and universe in tandem with the Soul provides all the information needed, and in knowing this you no longer need the mind or universe again, but you’ll know its properties.

You cannot know this universe, world, life, body or mind without the intimate link you now enjoy with it. It’s an indispensable experience that adds to knowing and gives meaning to life and the Self, and by knowing the difference you exist as the all knowing Self. This alone is the meaning of life by attaining the knowledge that can only be had through the mind and body, and by finding your way back to Eternity reveals all you need to know.   

During the process of finding your Self or you becoming Aware of your true Self will give you the wisdom and meaning that the all knowing God wants for all.


The Soul or The Directed Aware Focal Point

The title of this piece tries to describe our Eternal nature in human words. Although seemingly limited when compared to the temporary attributes we enjoy today, the eternal attribute of Awareness with directed vision trumps anything that comes after this, because of its sustainability and stability.  

An Aware focal point that can be directed by our attention is the nature of the Soul, and it leads to embodiment when directed away, which means toward the universe. This focal point can see Eternity clearly when unattached, but when attached it will identify with the world and body it’s attached too.

Unattached it has perfect vision and understanding of Eternity and God, attached it has an impure vision of reality, which results in an impure understanding of Reality.

The Soul’s focal point can narrow and expand, and be directed by the Self, so this implies some control over ones destiny thus allowing a Self-determining action, even in the Eternal state of Being.

To be embodied or not to be?

To be Eternally home and in full order of harmony and peace never to feel pain, fear and conflicting emotions again, or enter the universe and be vulnerable to all that life has to offer.  

A question that is never posed and an answer that has to be experienced to know the difference.

Stay in the company of the Devine or turn away and roll the dice, it’s the ultimate decision, and one that you have chosen.

All it takes is the focus of Awareness back onto itself and away from Eternity and you’re manifested.

Now manifested with a body you can still withdraw your attention away as before, your Awareness focused back onto itself, which is the art of meditation, and this is a representation of the eternal control you have, which allows you to change your environment. This shift in attention not only leads to Self-realization, but in Eternity it also leads to embodiment.

The directed Aware focal point is the catalyst to enlightenment and embodiment.

It is your only control. It is your Soul and your Awareness directed out that brings life to everything its directed at, or it can take it all away in an instant, as if to say; You have the power to dissolve the universe from view, because you are part of the whole that made it, through that process it naturally made the path to and from it. This path back home is the only path available to you and it must be voluntarily taken. Open to all regardless of the many different avenues which lead up to it, the path remains for only the solitary Soul to enter empty handed. You can’t take anything with you from here, including your mind and identity, so the path is only for the naked Soul. If you try to take anything more than that it will shake you down to your foundation and rock your inner world to the point of death, maybe you come back, and maybe you won’t, but ether way, no enlightenment.

Strip yourself of all mental attachments and wait naked in the dark surrendering everything to the cause, and know that the path is there, which will open the proverbial door to the Eternal realm, a pure state of Being, and your only true Home.  

The Path of Negation

This spiritual path has a long lineage of success in regards to enlightenment and Self-realization, however it gets overshadowed by worshiping and paths that have a more positive role with meditations. It’s more of a solo preference to keep your eye on the target. This path doesn’t bore or bog you with ideals, history or reasons why it’s better, nor does it require anything. It seems like an ugly path to follow, but I would assert it’s efficient, by discounting things that aren’t supposed to matter, which is mostly everything you think about. You devalue everything in your mind, not letting it take up anymore space in your thoughts. This is one of the tools I used and know well.

This path runs deep in spiritual logic and goes straight at the problem by mentally demeaning nonessential thoughts and things, by looking away from any worldly meaning outside of the Self. You inwardly negate all appearances and words that are unessential to the Self. You’re neutralizing life from the inside, rendering it incapable to distract you from your goal. Everything is worthless to you when you look deep at it. None of this shit is me, all that I perceive is just obstacles in my way. Nothing here can deliver you Home so why do I give it time. You do this because your deep interest in the truth, God liberation, peace, and happiness drives you. The freedom that comes with identifying with the true Self is your rightful heritage, a divinized state that’s waiting for you, so now you get your mind and body in sync with this Eternal tune-up.  

 You do this with a discerning eye that sees the world as a fraud in order to create a new mindset, which understands the way to Reality is taken by withdrawing your personal interest in the illusionary world. Loosing your emotional interest in the outside drama, or knowing there will be no relief there forces you to look within for relief in a sustained search inside. Knowing full well that the illusion has you locked in, and you have to be really diligent at unchaining your Self dialogue from the mind/body complex, almost like you want to wake up from a bad dream. You have to be willing to do what it takes and go within with a single minded focus on the Self, thus dissolving the universe from the inside out by meditating and talking your Self out of it.

You achieve an internal dialogue which continually sees things as false and not real, thereby counteracting any sway that desires and fears have on you. Since you can only see Eternity through the Self, which is God seeing God, then any pull from outside of that will be counterproductive to your pursuit. You have to do this because this life has us captivated your attention away from the Self, you withdraw that in order to break the spell and see clearly. By retracting your attention back away from the excess mind stuff and redirecting it back on the Self. The clinging illusion is voluntarily surrendered and only God is left. Once all residual fears and desires loose their power to interfere in the process then you are ready to let go of everything, including all concepts that comes with a personal identity, which kept you thinking and believing as an individual.

This path of looking away from everything by insistently denouncing the value and your identity as gibberish goes right to the heart of your Eternal identity, disconnecting from life. If you stick to this path around the clock it will take but a few years to be productive.

I found 90% of my thoughts were completely worthless, trivial and stupid, but you need to catch them as they happen and superimpose a new meaningless type dialogue on them. When thinking of yourself, replace it with; that’s who I thought I was but it’s not the real me, it’s all an illusion of the mind. None of this crap I’m experiencing here is worth the mind time, nor does it have anything to do with me. The whole purpose is to streamline your meditation by taking positive actions in a negative way. The mind will do everything to block you from your goal. You gain control with each thought you catch like doing a rep until they are automatic.

By mentally negating all that ‘It’ isn’t, you rediscover that which ‘It’ truly is.

Answers from the Source

When we look for solutions that come from the Source for any questions there are a few things that stand in the way blocking these divinely influenced answers. The ego influenced mind and emotions which effectively alter the mind making it incapable of obtaining the translucent quality that is conducive to the subtle Source. The universal perspective is imprinted in consciousness but it is tied to and held afloat by Awareness where the answer comes. Once the mind is crowded with thoughts that emanate from a personality or entity that identifies with appearances and emotions are laced throughout, escalating things to a higher frequency. All of this revs the mind up and creates its own problems that won’t entertain the subtle energies. The mind needs to be paused to entertain spiritual thoughts.

You may recall a time when you’re relaxed and letting go, welcoming sleep and out of the blue you got your answer, or remembered something important. These types of answers from the Source can happen to you anywhere at anytime as long as you’re surrendering your control. This allows the subtle energies to softly push forward into an open by the suspended mind, permitting a subtle synchronicity or frequency. Spiritual experiences from the Source come as softly and easy as that, but it can have a huge impact resulting in a turn around moment in life. A flood or wave of subtle energy can make one feel light and floating on air, or produce an epiphany from a higher state of consciousness, unity with life. Pure consciousness can give one the spiritual feeling. Its unbinding formless nature allows you to feel and get a sense of universal unity.

Consciousness has access to a purer consciousness which is the first transition point from Awareness, giving us the ability to use it. This free floating current which is labeled pure or universal consciousness flows everywhere in the universe. Our personality and mind imprint and embed deeper attachments in the psyche, every thing is filtered through this new interpretive lens, which keeps the mind from entertaining the lower subtle frequencies that pure consciousness and Awareness invokes.

The purity of your Source is in the Soul, the inside guru that can see things from a clear perspective, only influenced by The Almighty even though the Almighty speaks to no one. Your Soul has and provides the answers for you. Being in the moment with a suspended mind the answer falls simply, naturally, subtlety and gracefully into place, problem solved. The problem is solved by the natural laws of attraction, the question suspended the subconscious attracts the information allowing answers.    

Meditating is the key that cultivates this subtle knowledge and keeps your mind fertile for answer to take, the seed planted in an open field takes root. It can have an enlightening affect on the individual that is sometimes confused with God and Enlightenment.

Contemplation is the other key ingredient in solving hard problems, because you have to make it a problem first that will stick with you all the time even during sleep, so it has to be worked on during all your spare time giving the suspended ego and mind more time to decipher the issue. Since the suspended mind in most busy minds only happens for a second or two your problem has to be your primary thought above all else. The mind that sticks to one subject without the unnecessary escalation of energy from emotions, and with sufficient time spent in clearing the mind with peaceful pauses and meditation will increase your odds greatly. Thoughtless meditation creates a wider wave to balance out the personal point of view.

This can happen anywhere, even accidentally like in the shower when feeling the pleasure of warm water, the mind goes in silent repose with the experience. The mind steps back allowing the answer.

Worshiping God

 For me there is one way of worshiping God that seems to be the best way to worship, above techniques, which are usually conditioned by the mind with desires and fears. One way of worshiping that is the ultimate service to God, a way that is not conditioned by any ideology, personality or worldly events, not even the mind, which leaves this way pure, natural, and unconditional, above the rest. One way that shows your ability to surrender, shows your ability to let go of everything which was previously thought of as too important to forgo, but it’s voluntarily relinquished by this type of worshiping. And in the process all is worshiped, and nothing is left out or separated by beliefs or attributes, and through this way it will neutralize everything down into one state of being, leading us directly to the ultimate state of being in Eternity.

There is one way that reveals your earnestness, your persistence, reveals your inner strength, your inner knowledge, your attachments, and your love for God. One way that works in all religions, shows your dedication, a cornerstone for peace and happiness. A way that allows everyone the opportunity to witness the Almighty in the glory of the divinity within. One way that tells God that all else will be deemed flippant in comparison, you will be lead by this way for nothing else will do, no replacement is good enough, and in this way only God’s divine intervention will be acknowledged as reality. A way that tells the Almighty you will stop at nothing, and nothing will get in-between you and your love for the Almighty, including mind inclinations. Your determination in this fashion will not only benefit you immensely but it won’t give any counter reasons to doubt your spiritual earnestness, because your effort in a regular practice indicates your resolve, which in turn steadfastly cultivates liberation.

The way is through the silent mind in meditation which worships God in the purest sense of the word. The way starts as a formless meditation observing the energy within, then that merges into the Samadhi State which is the ultimate state of worship. This is as close as you can get to enlightenment before it happens, your natural state of being, which is before the mind. Your ability to stay in this silent repose will reflect your earnestness, and how persistent you are will show how devoted you are to God, despite worldly attractions. This state of being is a state of pure Awareness, or the Self witnessing different states of existing in consciousness. In this thoughtless state one will naturally bounce around from thoughts to witnessing moving energies in the body (formless meditating), which will take place of thoughts, then onto an Awareness of Awareness, which neutralizes the witnessing states altogether, this is beyond perceiving anything externally but God within. In this state there is no longer any Karma, any preconditions, any religions, any spirituality, any universe, any body, or any mind, just you as One, waiting for the illusion to pass, so you can see and know the One in All. And after realizing your anchor in Reality you now understand what all the great ones were talking about and the many ways they used to express this divine state of being. Your attachments are replaced by your love through the unconditional state in all, your identity now lies with God, which is your natural state of existing, and you talk and think according to “That”, because everything revolves around “That”.

I hope you can see that formless meditating and the “Samadhi state” is the purest form of worshiping and I originally expand on the words of Nisargadatta who said: The silent mind is the purest form of worship.


Although my branches sway on the winds of time.
My center is still and timeless away from moving leafs.
My limbs are moving but my core stands still with you.
Sit by my side, bask in the shady stillness and take in the view.

The living water will refresh your tired feet, my bench is strong and stable. Rest close to that which radiates still peace and brings tranquility to all who sit. My bench is empty, my water clear and my sky is free, come sit and be one with me.Meditate by my side under the shade of stillness and feel the living waters flow in thee. 

Your tree lives and breaths but its roots are planted firmly in Reality. Your life on the run, the world on your back, relax here and feel at ease. The water reflects the images of past illusions that are now under your feet. The sky has passing clouds of thought that when left alone won’t find a seat.

The still Awareness is always here for you, stop focusing on the world that is calling. Don’t finger the phone, don’t double click, and no paper back now when peace is knocking. Its you turn to feel the waters, your turn to rest, your turn to know the view, for its in you. Wake up child of the world, friend of God, and know that thy divinity lies within you.

You who identifies with decay, who acts mortal, who judges according to this. You are the fault, you need to stop, you need to change, for true love is lost in separation. Love is the common bond that lives through commonality not differences. 
Real love will recognize real love if you allow it, so brush off the dirty old ideologies.

We will sit under the dark canopy in this empty decision less place and forget life. The headlines and and voices will cease, for the world will be a distant thought. You won’t want to leave the bench of timeless emptiness and beauty, so grab a seat. We will sit together above the fray for we have God’s grace that shelters us from the heat.