The Transparent Spiritual Teacher

The religions of the world are right about one thing, the Soul is Eternal. If you need something to believe in you can believe in that, if you act on that religion isn’t necessary. This is the world of spirituality, not only does it integrate well with religions it can also stand on its own. I’m not a religious person, yet I achieved the highest level there is in spirituality. Anyone can, even in the mix of every day life and you can keep your religion. It’s a personal choice, you can have the community involvement with your religion and still practice spirituality.

 As they say, the Soul is Eternal, that which is Eternal is Godly, without that Godly connection to everything nothing is possible. Your Soul is part of the Almighty arms that cradle the universe, the giver of life. It’s an amazing perk, however there is a catch. It is so eloquently said in this prayer “I pray the Lord my Soul to keep.” That says it all, and in a nutshell the meaning of life. Besides asking help from the ruler of the universe, the elephant in the room is telling us eternal life isn’t certain. We can loose our Soul! It also means we have to do something to keep it and it depends on us to figure it out.

It’s all about keeping your Soul.

That’s what I’m here for, to be the first Transparent Spiritual Teacher, there are too many secrets and way too many fakes that want to keep it that way. I know for sure, the Soul is a drop of God. That’s the only faith you need. I know the end game as well as anyone can, when you understand this game of life and death it can be used to your advantage no matter what came before. You can win eternal life.

Your Soul is your eternal connection that is there for you to choose or loose. I teach you how to choose by showing you what to loose and how to loose it.  Why would you want to keep hanging on to your imperfect Self in light of the Almighty perfection within. 

My hope, if spiritual paths like this have a chance to go mainstream, it can save more Souls than all the great ones before us.

Transcending the Afterlife

The Spirit world, Life and the Eternal are three different dimensions, the first two are victims of time and the other doesn’t interfere. No need to as the adage goes, “it all works itself out in the end anyways,” it’s a natural process that remains untouched by God. You’re technically on your own and rightfully so, in the end it’s your mind and your memories, eventually you’ll have to deal with them. Will you be willing to let it all go for the unknown? Through the eyes of Eternity you banked everything on one minute of time, and most likely do anything to keep that minute even in the face of your eternal heritage. I’m here to convince you otherwise and claim your heritage.

After thousands of hours meditating I finally broke through, it was a sobering eye opener, the Eternal/God is not what you think it is, with that knowledge I’m able to discern the middle Afterlife. Now with guidelines, research and experience, I’m going to do something that hasn’t been done before. I remember the Tibetan Book of the Dead touching on this subject by ignoring visuals and colors, but no plausible theory has been laid down by religions. I’ll state my case and hopefully someone with the same background can help or take a stab at it. My mentor did nothing like this even though his off the cuff remarks were dropping hints. Besides sticking your neck out, I think the issue is those who know also know there is no God judging us, talking to us or watching us which contradicts religions. The metaphysical science of breaking through to the Eternal Heaven is plausible, religions believe the Soul is Eternal and that’s the connection we use by choosing It. This is such an important subject to everyone. I feel the basic principles here are strong enough to be extremely helpful to everyone.

The parable of the Prodigal Son from Jesus is spot on here and it plays well for everyone.

“So he got up and went back to his father. While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son.’ But his father ordered his servants, ‘Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast, because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.’ Then the celebration began”.

We are born into a potential life of freedom and indulgence, for the most part it doesn’t matter what you do or did as long as you leave it all behind and return home on your own accord. This great parable of the Heavenly Father, the Son returning Home to inherit Fathers Kingdom while the other Son got nothing because he didn’t want to give up his way of life, pretty much sums it up.

We are the Prodigal Son.

All the benefits of Eternal life will be yours to behold or yours to loose. The Soul will return to the Almighty the way it was given, unused, unless you are the beholder. Reincarnation can happen at this last stage when you finally make it Home but it would be a fresh start. Any time before that moment would be possession.

This is a work in progress!

When the conscious mind exits the body at death you have an opportune moment to visit family, friends and loved ones dead or alive, the paranormal will happen wherever you go. At the time of death you can even push yourself to Eternity which is my objective. Time, distance, age, shape, no problem, you can be and see anyone, anywhere, dead, alive, even Buddha however he will look like that jolly statue you have of him. Asking for someone you don’t know will force the mind to create it. Another old saying, “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him” is proper because it’s your conjuring and in your way. You will think you are in the right place because he is here. You will have a short powerful window to reach Eternity or do amazing stuff in the Afterlife until the fresh bio-plasma from life evaporates, then the personal dreamscape and relationships start controlling things. You want to stay present observing life before you get preoccupied by memories. In life when the brain sleeps the mind kicks into gear with dreams, when there is no external world the mind projects one. Same in Afterlife, you’re either watching life or you’re watching a dream. Life pulls a connection to the heavenly Soul at birth, and the Souls attention moves throughout brain like a cursor which develops cohesion called the mind. The mind is the go-between for the Soul and brain. Thusly the mind takes over at death and will dominate your Afterlife, dreaming increases with more time, however there is a time limit.

There are several levels in the Afterlife but there are two main ones, ground 0, which is earth bound, and then an upper level that transitions up to more subtle levels.

You know you’re dead and you know God is the unknown, facing consequences that might be waiting in the unknown you choose to stay here in the known.

Those who die tragically early, angry, guilt, regrets, and vengeful will roam ground 0, earth bound hell doing the same bad stuff, their fear of death and the unknown will be anchoring. Psychological restraints can stick you in dream-state replay or be haunted by crazies. Spirits in their dream mind get hounded by self justice so they try to stay present in the external landscape. A personal brand of reckoning when the mind is dreaming, and when not you haunt or be haunted. This can be especially hard for those that don’t belong like children and victims. The earth bound Spirit world can be full of emotional manipulation and enslavement. Demons looking for ways to feed or steal energy in order to survive and create mayhem. Earth bound Spirits who are dark are usually older Beings unable to hold a charge and project light or color. Over time your image and mind loose strength, Spirits can seem inhuman and demonic. They can change shape, possess and believe they are the devil because what’s left of their image, belief system and mind is causing them to fall into that role, they believe they are in hell. Close to annihilation they become animalistic feeding on anything and everyone. No one is no longer a person in the Afterlife, there is the same lost, insecure person in all Spirits. There is no Satan, Devil, Demon just bad people doing bad stuff. The reality is anyone can manipulate their image to get what they want. In the late stages of existence the image can downgrade to a small shadow or black blob with just vision. Vision is the last to go, when vision dies the connection dies. There are no angels either just our ancestors and good folks that help us. Go up into the unknown is the right direction. 

The whole process is on you, no one can do it for you, you have the power within to control everything. No one has anything on you!

The level up from earth bound is where most Spirits roam in Orbs. These folks had a full life, no regrets and ready to move on. They can visit us as much as they want and get called down by us but usually won’t stay long because relationships and memories pull them. When not hanging with us they are in a free floating dream state of life memories, sometimes to places of their dreams. They are in their dream orb and visit other Spirits in their dream, even us in our dream world. As time goes on they get lighter and higher in the sky and aren’t available to co-mingle anymore. It’s confusing, unrewarding even with good dreams, and it’s a long stay with compact orbs. Sometimes glowing Orbs are visible to due to the mind projecting a dream or mind aura. Despite their size they can materialize full size by grabbing local energy. They can find ways to help and warn family and friends. They are our spirit guides.

After a long time all Spirits fade to nothing unless they abandoned their connection to life. They are in a time crunch before the mind totally fades out then knowingness goes. You have to leave the world/universe connection to see the Eternal. In Eternity you know where you came from and how it works, in spite of not having a mind it’s a better existence. Life downloaded the mind and the minds knowing transfers as You when the Soul takes over.

Birth pulls consciousness from the Almighty as the Soul, a tethered connection to Eternity, life in turn develops the mind and that knowledge helps in the escape from the minds grip fulfilling your destiny.

If your Soul lets the mind die before Transcending then knowingness dies before entry, the tether disintegrates, the Soul stays with its Owner. The Soul is tethered to the mind, at death the mind gets released to the Afterlife but technically a stowaway. The stowaway has access to two realms, the Afterlife and the physical world, when the Soul releases two realms at death then the Soul has access to three realms. Hanging with the stowaway will result in its demise and yours in about 450 years when the tether wares out cutting off access, the lifeline is lost. 

The Eternal Soul is always in Eternity and can only mix with the universe through the tether which leaves it ever pure. Nisargadatta:”I never went anywhere or did anything, I just thought I did” the Soul is stationary in Eternity, that’s what he identifies with. The tether gives us a new identity with independence, but in an imperfect universe. From pure Perfection to different degrees of imperfection. You have to release everything you became, and everything you see, for that is something you became, not a good representation of who you are. You do it before your dream gets too erratic, do it by ignoring it, it’s not real or eternal, it’s your dream powered by you and destroyable by you. The drama of the mind has hooked your Souls attention, withdraw that attention by denying its reality. You have to keep telling yourself none of this craziness is me nor real or lasting, I’m finished with it. Look away and meditate to get separation from the mind. The Afterlife is necessary purifying stage stripping away all the impurities you attained by the Souls visual grip.

Your time in the universe is short compared to Eternal Life, it’s your choice, no one can do it for you. Transcending the Afterlife is a solo journey, and the mind the baggage that keeps you grounded to your world. It all depends on your ability to surrender the temporal for the Eternal.

The Meaning of Life

We all want to know the meaning of life. I studied this subject and I’m one of the few who has a legit shot due to my own Self-realization. It’s especially hard to convey so give it a chance.

Before birth there was no you and no Soul, your Soul to be is on loan from the Eternal whole (God). Consciousness gets pulled from the Almighty at birth reserving your place in Eternity. That’s right, as they told us your Soul is Eternal, and Eternity is another name for God. You have a piece of the Almighty God. Birth is all it takes and everything you see has this backing in order to hold the universe up and together.

Another amazing fact is our Soul resides there. The Soul can’t leave Eternity but it’s connected to the mind by some invisible tether. Before it became a Soul it was just an untapped part of Eternity.

One realm is ever pure and the other ever not pure. The Eternal Almighty and the Soul is forever peaceful, it never sleeps nor stops looking, vision comes from the original Awareness of Being which is eternally aware. Keeping your eternal vision depends on your ability to block this massive pop up called life. You gotta delete it to see IT!

Surrendering all is a big part of the dying process you have to be willing to throw it all away to see your Higher Self. Nothing here is meant to last. Even though it sounds like life has no meaning, it does. Everything returns to the Source and so must you! For the time being you have independent freedom from the Whole however that means it’s all up to you to find your way Home.

We come here to understand the basic principles of life, the universe, death and then the afterlife, that’s all we need to know. You don’t need a body or mind to know that. Being human we think our personal journey matters however the afterlife will show you how shallow that really is.

My mentor and I believe it all started when Absolute space before the universe became Aware, Awareness of Being All, thusly giving birth to the universe and consciousness. In my teachers words: ‘Absolute space must’ve had that potential’. Absolute Space birthed Awareness of Being the only thing that won’t interfere with its natural state. If some sort of resource exists it naturally begets a user even in Absolute Space. It evolved from pure nothing to pure Something causing a chain reaction that birthed the universe in another dimension. It seems like Awareness turned things inside out, spreading beyond Eternity yet within. I think Awareness radiated into a spreading wave of consciousness creating another dimension of time. It technically evolved, Awareness radiated a dark consciousness or energy, I believe was the trigger mechanism.

Now we have the same opportunity to become Aware of our true nature just like the Almighty did. Granted the process is different, and on a miniature scale but the same spacial Awareness of Being Eternal. I think that is pretty cool and necessary in order to understand the reality of all.

Becoming aware of your Eternal existence is monumental.

The love we get is the love for existence, Eternity, the universe and us to live forever.

It’s all up to you, surrender all that you became for all the Eternal Soul has to offer.

The Soul has to completely release its addiction to life to embrace its eternal identity.

The Meaning of Life is to realize your Souls existence in the Almighty, and in knowing both sides you become all knowing and have independent Awareness of your Eternal Being.

Religionless Spirituality

In the purest form of religion there is no dogma, guilt or repentance. No scare tactics, and no one telling you how to live. Spirituality is simple, straightforward and straight to the Source. Never asking much from you besides time put in as a passive meditator. Active spirituality or karma spirituality always helps but anything using the mind/ego can turn counterproductive. Just sitting still and going in is spiritually productive, for longer periods determines how spiritual you really are. Mentally inactive meditation is the ultimate worship to God. There is nothing closer to God than that. It’s the waiting room for enlightenment, the doorway to the Soul, waiting there in mental repose for that door to open is called the Samadhi State, the ultimate worship.

Today’s western religions have bypassed true spirituality and settled for commercialism with an easy process to salvation. A textbook hierarchy for the leaders, and everybody else is pretty much winging it. The lack of good leadership is a common mistake, there is a need for real spiritual training and enlightened overseers. Most religions in essence are the lazy mans guide to spirituality with little time put in with donations, prayer and service, which can provide some help but again it can be counterproductive. Western and eastern religions have this problem with the masses, the superpowers linked to their Gods and Gurus makes it an impossible climb for the public. Old school spirituality probably had a good reason but trying to pacify the masses is not working. Miracles teach nothing except worship. Nobody should be worshiping anything or anybody in the universe, that should be reserved for the Godly Soul. We are the children of God. Every spiritual leader from time was just like us living without superpowers but God-Realized.

Real teachers will never lie for power, money, or sex nor talk and dress the way you want them too. The path is to establish faith in you that your Soul is Eternal, and only you have the power to act on that. The majority of superpowers linked to spiritual leaders is fictional. The worshiping must be done from within oneself for the Eternal Soul is your only salvation.

Your Eternal Soul is the only faith you need to believe in. Not anybody from any book, they are there to help, that’s all. This Godly substance within you is more important than the universe, nothing outside can compare to that including personal Gods and Gurus. Of course the great ones can guide you however you have to be willing to do the work. The real teachers guide by telling you what it is and what it is not. What not to fall for, what not to do and what to do. Honing you inward by helping you remove obstacles, giving you a path that’s already proven to work. I can only tell you about the path that worked for me. We are not here to help you tackle life’s issues. There are plenty of professionals for that.

If the teacher does not instruct along these spiritual lines and focuses on used phrases, passed stories and affirmations, means there is no path. If they focus on restricting your diet, penance and show sexual misconduct, you might want to reconsider and move on. When a real guide is absent then the physical stuff takes over.

When you have a steady diet of meditation then everything falls into place. You are doing the best you can, and the only thing that needs feeding is your continual desire to see God, and know your real Self. It has to be your top desire so you’re relentless and fearless in order to achieve the ultimate recognization. Once recognized, it’s not that you live in bliss, always joyful, happy and full of love afterwards, however there is contentment and mind control with the additional perk of avoiding the afterlife drama. When you find your way to God the world/universe, deaths sting and the afterlife can’t control you unless you want it too. You’re above that now. Master of the universe! No joke, the universe is just a sidestep. No achievement in the universe is greater than bypassing its power over you! And it can be done without religion or the study of any religious book. As my teacher said after my question of being stranded on a deserted island without any idea of religion or spirituality “they too can attain Self-Realization” (God-Enlightenment). Good guidance is extremely important for it allows one to cut corners and years off. Any path will be difficult and requires steadfast determination. If anyone tells you any differently then they are mistaken. There is no easy path to salvation. You can’t stumble into enlightenment with meltdowns, drugs or near death experience because of the strong universal link. It is well beyond the universe and life.

Consciousness After Death

What sparked this piece is the Bigelow Institute with their essay competition. There are looking towards academia for proof that consciousness exists after death but I doubt they can do it. Proof of consciousness in the afterlife is not as intimidating as proof of consciousness after our paranormal life span. This job is best suited for Eastern Masters however finding a qualified one is near impossible. On the other hand, I am available with the same credentials however it does seem pointless. For me it has less to do with the prize money and media, and more to do with spirituality.

I’m one of the few people that can answer this question through my own personal experience. Not by death and coming back but through a sort of living volunteered death which is known as Self-Realization and Enlightenment. It was the hardest thing I ever accomplished. It’s the complete opposite of life altogether and you have to be willing to sacrifice everything. It took many years of active and inactive meditation round the clock for it has to dominate all your nonessential brain time. For reference, I have achievements and accolades that prove I can beat the odds in order to show the type of discipline it takes. A person as evidence is not exactly what you were looking for however this is very important and I believe it can be proven scientifically through me. A polygraph will set up a purpose and brain waves will create a reason for research. Besides mind control the kundalini energy is a physical electrical sensation in the brain, head and body, much like a Tesla Ball, which should be recordable. So all I have to offer is myself to play a part in your study. Wire me up and let me go after Self-Realization again. Who knows it may happen, it’s a long shot but I’m one of the few who can do it, if successful it’ll be a global first, and I believe you will have your proof.

There’s something I’ve been contemplating for a while in order to establish some sort of spiritual standard that can be used by Religious and Spiritual leaders. A scientific test that can determine a benchmark for Self-Realization. I believe it can be done. Being a non-traditionalist and non-religious person I focused my study on spirituality. Traditional religion is spiritually starved and needs updating in order to achieve spiritual relevance for the individual.

First of all a quick background; I had an early interest in death and what happens. Reading numerous religious and spiritual books the need to find a enlightened teacher arose so a search started in 83. It was fun Guru hoping Los Angeles in the 80s, and my previous research kinda pin pointed the criteria needed. I found Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi, Kundalini yoga. I did several meditation intensive retreats with Swamiji and sponsored Maharishi retreats in Sedona. I needed to verify and see if he is the real deal. Having him stay at our home for around 20 days and studying him, I was convinced. After figuring out the meditation formula it seem to fit right into my wheelhouse, practice, practice, practice. Maharishi and his caretaker Uma turned me on to Nisargadatta Maharaj who was the final piece for me. In meditation you have to progress slowly by changing your technique as you get better. It’s tricky because you have to dial it down until you’re not using a technique anymore because of the mind connection. The natural path of Nisarga yoga is just witnessing which is the hardest but fastest way because it goes straight to no mind decoys. Everything you witness is not you so you sit and wait until you see who You really are.

It was 2002, I’m retired and going to make an intensive out of my life by distancing myself from the Kundalini because it’s connected to life. My Kundalini energy was going strong since Maharishi activated it in the 80’s retreats but I was loosing control. Heart palpitations, racing and if I guide it up more issues so I was trying to keep it down and loosing that struggle. It was an opportune moment, I was ready on all fronts. It was going to be my second living intensive. In 92 I did it for two years which produced two unusual experiences for the first time. Those two spiritual experiences were rare for me. I had relatively no encouragement along the way, and only two spiritual experiences pre-enlightenment. I got nothing besides inner sounds and the mindless Samadhi State during my second living intensive before Self-Realization at age 47.

Now your question; yes, it does go on. I differentiate between consciousness as a product of the universe and Awareness as a product of Eternity. The Human consciousness is an active version of Awareness woven into the fabric of the universe. The real substance of consciousness has always been Awareness but they exist in two different realms.

Like my mentors before me, by working through and beyond consciousness (the connector to Awareness) we know life and the Source well so we’re able to get a good idea of the transitional afterlife in-between. From the gross physical life to the purifying afterlife until everything fades and you see Eternity.

Consciousness moves on after death in the form of the mind, a state of being in ones old life. Built up cohesion from life evaporates slowly over many years. Still tied to mind the Soul sees what it’s hanging on to, what it wants and fears. This conscious/mind identity keeps you connected to your own personal illusion which is your life and dream life. The subconscious mind imprinted by life takes over. No Godly entity is involved. Eternity and Eternal Awareness is always present and the end game, the door out is always there. No one dies just purified by time until formless, the Invisible You.

Eternity and matter unable to coexist in the same dimension but touching and tethered to each being. Everything is connected to the Source like a necessary still backplate holding it together, the Soul of the universe.

That Devine zone of Eternity is what you see, and what you are when Self-Realization erases the physical universe.

The experience of this awakening is stunning, sobering and undoubtedly real. It was like I was slammed up against the wall starring eye to eye with the Almighty, stunned by the formless outcome that I am one with the Almighty.

I am in Absolute Aware Pure Space and I was completely Aware (conscious) of witnessing this huge seemingly empty still universe of dim light called Eternity. Nothing from life, no physical feelings or world, beyond anything normal. I’m completely Aware of where I am, what I am, and what I’m looking at. God, Us, Eternity…all the same!

There is a type of knowing that remains in Eternity without mind and remembering, seemingly downloaded from life, the maker of Souls. There is knowing, vision and stillness, like I was planted and can’t move. I was looking at Eternity in single vision (third eye) panoramically seeing half of the Void. I was there for short time suspended in the middle until I guided my attention (vision or focal point which was moveable) up above in order to see beyond but when I did I was back in the body. Bummer, after thousands of hours meditating and all I get is a minute, but a glimpse is all that is needed. I didn’t think like that at first, it was a mind numbing shock, I didn’t want to think of IT, talk of IT, for it would ruin IT. I was a zombie for a while, and all those phrases like life is an illusion is now understandable. It was like I was totally immersed in a theater drama and then the lights turn on, I could see with a sigh of relief that it was just a movie.

We all invested so heavily in life and now we have to withdraw from that investment at death.

One very unusual thing happened while looking at Eternity. Apparently being still attached to the mind the first and only thought I had: ‘It truly is attribute-less!’ A lesser known phrase Nisargadatta used for Eternity. The words started off faint from a long distance working their way down somewhat slow like they were in a long metal tunnel. The words moving through in a multitude of echos that were reverberating all through the tunnel, and as they got closer the louder they got. The words faded away silent before reaching me. Such a strange experience!

And another observation at the actual time of Enlightenment; I, the real me (Soul) did not move or go anywhere, completely stationary, it was the universe that disappeared. In a real quick fashion a white dot appears and opens, I only caught a glimpse because of the instantaneous opening.

Because of knowing all of this I wanted to know the rest, and this is what I came up with, keeping in mind all those characteristics.

Seems like universe we know just happened as the result of new Awareness. The first type of evolving when black absolute space before all created something out of nothing which created the universe. Had to be its latent potential to become Aware of its existence as pure Space. Absolute Pure Space (before universe) became Aware and the new Awareness had to be the trigger mechanism for the Big Bang and consciousness (I believe consciousness to be Dark Energy or Formative Dust and Dark Matter would be Eternity) radiated from Eternal Awareness in another dimension as consciousness. As my teacher said: ‘the friction between the two dimensions radiated formative dust creating energy’ time and the universe.

The Eternal witness, the Soul, is always aware and watching for it never sleeps but completely distracted with life. Until meditation and the Samadhi state takes the mind, body and universe out of the equation, away from your attention. In the meditative state you are resting your attention back only witnessing the inner flow or body energy, which is pretty much your first connection to life. You sit in a mindless state and wait until everything eventually blends together into one soft blissful hum, the elusive Samadhi State, the doorway, you wait and wait, no matter how many tries it takes, you never give up until it the door opens.

Unusual Morning

First of all I would like to give you a little background to show this unusual experience is not something that came from mental illness, lack of sleep, sleepwalking or drugs. Thanks to lucky DNA in one area of my life I have no mental illness of any kind, I never sleep walk and drugs or alcohol are in my distant past.

I had unusual experiences in deep meditation but it had nothing to do with life, mind or body. Besides paranormal stuff this experience I will detail here is the most unusual experience I had in every day life which contradicts my normal solid state of living.

This unusual morning I woke up early from a normal dream. I awoke in a thoughtless state Just in case I want to fall back asleep. Sitting up on the side of the bed, all of a sudden these thoughts come streaming in: I shouldn’t be alive, I should be dead, I shouldn’t be sitting up! There was a feeling of confusion and unhappiness in the words. It was so unusual I decided to go with it by remaining thoughtless and in the background. As I get up more words come: “I shouldn’t be walking, I should be dead!” I’m now walking through bathroom and into the walk-in closet I get a sense that I loosing the connection and/or the voice is starting to understand what’s going on as I sit down in the closet and wait in silence. The cat walks in I voluntarily decide to pet the cat to see if I can get a reaction. The cat feels extra warm and fluffy to the touch when the word “Wooonnderfull” comes in. No more feeling of confusion or unhappiness. I sit and wait for minutes but nothing else comes up. My morning ritual ensues and thoughts come roaring in. Why and where are these words coming from when I didn’t die in my dream, and why was I not happy about being alive?  Insisting I should be dead! Why is there confusion! Drinking my coffee my sister calls to inform me my sister died two hours ago. I told her that explains the unusual thing that happened to me and I text her my experience. It was My sister! I was her medium. She had the use of my brain and senses since her’s were gone. She was an amazing women. She dedicated her life to helping others and the harder she worked the more people she could help. My wife once said “she is hardest working unemployed person I know.” 100 mph she went, traveling around the world until her passing, her ambition never waned. Around a 1000 people showed up to her life celebration party, and I was honored to give her a last parting gift. I remember thinking about my teacher after the phone call when these words popped in “Sawmiji was right after all” but will she remain with me as an attached Soul. He believes people of similar magnetism, or people in your family will attach to you as they go through their end of life process. I believed they are free floating and earth bound going through their afterlife before Eternity, but now I’m thinking like him, is it attached Souls or free floating, I think both are probably correct since attachment to places and things are also possible so it depends on the circumstance.

I went to his meditation retreats in the eighties and sponsored retreats in Sedona in early nighties. It was an instrumental pleasure to have him stay at my house and it gave me a lot of time alone with him. He said, when people die they stay earth bound and usually piggyback on siblings (and tragically sometimes places) because of the same magnetism or a magnetic attraction, a common frequency or desire as the go through their stuff. I guess I was a good a host and we had an unusual mind meld. In hindsight, deep down I knew it was her. She was battling brain cancer. I’m so happy I was able to gift myself to her.

Outside of Our Selves

The shift into a sense of being, a sense of existence, spatial Awareness in Eternal Space matured out of the nothingness of Pure Space and is now the body of Awareness, the Source of all.  Space before particles, matter and energy essentially altered its makeup as if it had been latent to do so in order to be Aware of its own existence.  I guess it can be viewed as a purposeful action but I think it was all by chance, and the creation of particles, matter and energy is a wonderful benefit.  Either way it happened, and whatever way you want to look at it there is one thing that is certain; its ability to evolve.  A chain of reactions that had to happen, it didn’t need a purpose since Pure Space did exist it naturally evolved.

Eternal Space developed an Awareness of existence, and it was obviously within its potential to develop layers that eventually matured into the universe.  Separate layers within its bounds but on grosser dimensional level that scale down to the current universe, that development is really outside of its own existence, but spatial Awareness created this expansion, and its expression is seen throughout the different forms of conscious life.

What this tells us is God (Eternal Awareness in Pure Space) matured from within, thereby created dimensions of form that allow Awareness to individualize (Humans) and perceive outside realms of a grosser existence, even though we never leave Eternal Space.  Those temporary connections to life are an outlet for Eternal Awareness, which adds an individual touch to Awareness.  Aware Space now matures in a whole different way with the culturing of so many Aware Souls yet visually it’s the same, just empty Space accompanied by a soft Light when Awareness or universe dawned.

Thought or accident is why we exist.  It’s hard for me to believe there is any kind of forthright or mind acting out first.

We all have Eternal Awareness at our Core allowing us to perceive things as conscious human beings.  That extension into outer realms is what creates Souls. Our Soul positioned in Eternity is seeing things Outside of its Self, and that very act creates an expanded attention that is needed to develop Souls.  That is the glory of life, you can use it to your favor like I did and ride the wave back Home to see for yourself.  Seeing this life is seeing outside of one’s normal existence giving us the ability to look back, reflect on existence and its meaning, causing the Self-Aware Soul to mature into a Self-governing component.  When the cycle is complete and your attention retracts back into Pure Space. You are now a Pure Being that can observe and do things independently, which wasn’t there before.  This allows you to see Eternity after your attention returns Home from the particle universe.  This is Self-Realization. You are given a piece of the Whole, and you have been given the power to work for it and return Home, realizing your own existence as the Almighty.

The ability to see Outside of Our Selves produces a self-directing Soul that comes into maturation by seeing through the layers of consciousness.  If you put a single word answer to the reason behind everything then God is appropriate, the ultimate common denominator behind all of existence.

The Moment of Death

If there was ever an opportune time to make an amazing transition in a glorious fashion this will be your shining moment to do so.  This transition has everything to do with your immediate future and your everlasting peace.  I’ll tell you this, it’ll have nothing to do with the world you’re transitioning from nor the relationships you acquired.  You’re seriously on your own now but you’ll have the power to rewrite the next chapter and control the outcome, or you will get stuck in the residue mud of life.

There will be an invisible path available for use but the visible path will summoned your attention.  The right decision now can right the wrong, that way will appear when the other connection ends.  The correct decision will be the invisible path, the family or saint you expect to see in the afterlife will be the incorrect path.  This opportune moment boils down between the identity that was created through birth and the true identity which awaits within the Almighty Heavens when the Soul takes over.

If you want the Eternal Heavens to open the door to your peaceful Home, releasing you from this holding pattern called life then your time has come to act.  A practice in meditation during life can give you the strength to resist the temptation of old patterns and unveil what’s beyond.  But it is still a tough nut to crack.

If you are successful in this moment it will be monumental for you, allowing you to forego the long and confusing afterlife, breaking free from temporality.  There will be a moment at death when the dissolving energy of life gives you the most favorable window before the afterlife closes in.  Even if you fall for the images of life, that can still be your red flag by realizing your mistake, you can deny the attraction. The reality of the Afterlife is just hallow images, they are the ghosts of your life.  They are self created downloads from the past, an ongoing illusion from the physical world that you can’t allow to hold your attention anymore, because the window is closing.

Eastern Books of the Dead, and Self-realized Saints touch upon this defining Moment of Death which your Soul can take advantage of for deliverance.  The real teachers throughout time have opened this door when enlightenment dawned, and at death will bypass the afterlife drama. It all has to take place right after one stage is ending, before the other stage takes over making it vulnerable to change.  The Soul at this moment can become your destiny if one knows what to do and what to look for.  A practice in meditation is in the right direction because you started the disconnect process by receding in and away from the outside world and mind.

Any image especially one of dead family members, your Saint or God can really foil you by drawing you into its clutches out of fear of anything unknown. This is your mental world that is lingering with the same negative aspects of life.  You made it, and at this point only you can dissolve it by retracting your attention away from it. It must be ignored if you want to see Eternity, it’s one or the other, time based images can’t exist in Eternity.  It’s a separate dimension all together, and to enter the Pure Heavens you have to leave your impure life and mind at the door.

The Holy Space

At our core the Soul is eternal and well beyond physical attributes. The Soul lies solely and permanently in Holy Space and nothing holy will ever leave this domain. Then again nothing unholy will ever get in. Within this eternal existence the Souls of all beings and the infrastructure for all things are there without distinction. In this Eternal Realm of the Heavens you can’t differentiate anything except Light, Dark and Space, occupying a seemingly empty universe. More Dark than Light the Eternal Realm is endless, mystifying and completely Aware. Eternally alive and Godly, the Holiest Place there is, the visual effect of nothingness is the Eternal Body of God. That’s as Pure as it gets folks, where you see everything after it’s whittled down to its purest form. And despite the emptiness all are there existing in the Still Power of the Almighty Heavens.

Motionless and empty the Holy Space is pixelated with Light, however limited and surrounded by Darkness, nonetheless enough light to see all. Nothing and nobody is any different from this Holy Space, everything is grounded in that Holy Body.

They say follow the light after death but the light that is seen upon death is the wrong light to follow. The light manufactured by the minds energy is the light you need to ignore, because the real Light remains hidden within. The fake light created by energy is a high voltage light compared to Night Light that eternally burns. The Light we want to behold is the Soft Light of the Heavens which is only visible when the other light no longer dominates your horizon.

You would think a great ball of Light from the Almighty Source would be the Godhead, a Solid Core of Light somewhere in the Heavens, who knows what might be true.

Maybe it will relinquish movement for the Soul to wander in Eternity but I was met with Stillness, and that Stillness seemed uncompromising which could change after death. Hopefully then the Stillness will give way to a different type of travel for the Soul. I personally would like to help others find their heritage in whatever way I can but I’m afraid that’s only possible here or in afterlife. I can’t release you from what you are holding onto, no one can, it has to be done by you otherwise there is no meaning or understanding which is necessary.

Ultimately the  Seer must let go of what it sees in order to See the Grandeur of Eternity. All must be put aside in order to uncover your Holy Home, everything else an obstacle, a meaningless substitute. Don’t be distracted by anything after death, no appearances should entertain you because you are formless and Pure.

The fact that I’m using the brain/mind to decipher what was seen by the Soul is an amazing situation that holds the meaning to life and God. To be able to see the Eternal Heavens and return to the imperfect mind to make sense of Godly Perfection is unusual and remarkable. It actually brings the two universes together. It gives you a deep understanding of both. I didn’t loose my connection to life which leads me to believe that will always be there. I don’t believe science has the ability to get closer to understanding the unseen, it won’t be able to measure the particle-less environment of Holy Space with particle instruments. It’ll remain a theory to most and a Reality to a very few. Skepticism and doubt will forever dog Spiritual knowledge and the vision of Reality. The very act of letting go of the mind, body and universe in order to see beyond is unbelievable, and then to reemerge back again is incredible, but nonetheless a very real fact. And now we can use the mind in the most beneficial way to decode the illusion from Reality, which is paramount to the Seer and the seeker. While God did it in pure space we need the mind to understand the ultimate meaning behind everything. We need to understand all of this in order to make a correct decision.

The mind in tandem with the Soul can work for you or against you, it ether propels one forward or regresses one back depending on individual choices and desires. The Souls visual attention is what decides which way you go. Withdraw your attention from life into the unknown. Be not afraid to choose the unknown for the unknown is the Holy Space.

God Realization and Our Link

In essence this created everything.  The ultimate beginning of all came from the realization of Supreme Existence, when Pure Space became Aware of its existence, the ultimate Awareness of Being, and that set in motion everything in the universe. Pure Eternal Space lite up with Self Awareness, and the Still Soft Light that fused within Eternal Darkness before Big Bang is what we call God.

Never to be separated again Pure Light and Pure Darkness is forever linked and one of the same thing.  It is always Pure and Perfect, and it can never be imperfect despite the imperfection that we see before us. Supreme Darkness is the founding Father of Supreme Light and they are forever interlinked, that indispensable union ultimately birthed everything.  That Primary Union made the linking process and the universe a reality.

The multi-dimensions of time that spun off this eternal fusing naturally evolved but not within Pure Space, and an invisible linking process naturally took over which connects everything together. The universe actually exists within the bounds of Eternal Space however completely unnoticeable and hidden, but because universe exists, the link exists. This link created an elusive and unusual transitioning process for the Soul.  Starting from Eternal Space the link takes us up through the dimensions into grossness of life, and then upon death it descends us to the paranormal dimension for purifying before we are allowed into Eternity.

Each dimension is self-governed by the laws of that dimension, and no Soul literally makes the transition from one dimension to the next despite perceiving it has.  The elusive link to Eternity transmits the Souls visual attention through that connection, and as we disconnect from one realm the link retracts back to the next dimension.  The gross byproducts created by each dimension will have to stay in that dimension, in the finale transition all energy particles of time are left behind.  The link retracts until it falls back to the Source where the Eternal Soul is forever stationed. The Soul doesn’t have to wait for the this long process because the connection to the Source is always there for instant travel.  The God Realization that created everything is within our grasp to experience, it’s a very real and attainable goal by all of us.

Religionless Spirituality and the Art of Self-Realization