The Samadhi State

This is a state of being, in consciousness, is similar to your most natural state of existence when you were born, which means it’s a refection on your Eternal state of being. This state of being can be considered the waiting room before Self-realization. Your ability to spend some time here will be determined by your dedication, mind control, and surrendering powers. Mind strength is your ability to keep the mind in silent repose, surrendering the world and all your predispositions as a human is a huge part of staying there. To arrive in the Samadhi state takes a high level of surrendering, sincere earnestness, and a lot of practice, because the “Witnessing state” with eyes closed is difficult, but a necessary stage.

The characteristics of the Samadhi state are beyond meditation techniques, because most techniques are designed to get you to the Witness state. However, taking the next step in is done by abandoning any links to the mind and body, all the meditation techniques and thinking is gone. In a transition zone your perceiving (Witnessing) nothing but consciousness, life force, or internal energy. This zone is more or less another waiting area, or stage before you slip into Samadhi, which is the merging or union of the perceiver and the perceived. Altogether, I see four levels or stages of spiritual progression: The Doer state, the Witness state (Active and Inactive), the Samadhi state, and the Eternal state.

Surrendering all concepts that are related to appearances, and ideas of a separate God are part of the transitioning into this divine state. Letting go, releasing your grip, looking away from all personal and conditioned responses of the mind, for one thoughtless and primordial state of being in consciousness. When sitting and waiting in the transition zone of formless meditating witnessing the life force energy it produces an unnoticeable, feelingless merge between the states, before you know it you’re in Samadhi. When consciousness falls in sync with Awareness they sit as one in the Samadhi state, without movement or reason. This thoughtless state of being is characterized as a lost of perceiving of anything external or internal, nothing outside or inside of you is perceivable nor preventing you from just being like this. The Samadhi state is the supreme state of surrendering, and your ability to stay like this for extended periods, determines your ability to surrender and go with it, which is releasing limited identity for the Eternal One. Eventually your fortitude and determination at acquiring this state of being when meditating will release you from your imaginary bondage, once liberated from the universe, death and afterlife, contentment for what is will reign supreme.

This Samadhi state, which is the closest representation of your Eternal state of being while embodied will be last step you can take before Self-realization, the ultimate step will be beyond all. To go beyond, entrainment will happen between the Samadhi state and Eternity (God) Awareness, between consciousness and Awareness, which will deliver you. It’s almost like you’re spreading out consciousness thinly until a tear in the fabric takes exposes the Eternal realm, our real Home.

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